Newsweek Touts Explosive Interview With Porn Star That Says She Slept With Trump – IOTW Report

Newsweek Touts Explosive Interview With Porn Star That Says She Slept With Trump

Newsweek is breathless, linking a site called InTouch who says they have an exclusive and explosive interview with Stormy Daniels, a porn star who says she slept with Trump.

Daniels recently wrote a letter stating that the allegations were false and she never slept with Trump.

But this EXPLOSIVE and NEW EXCLUSIVE seems to indicate that Daniels has had a change of heart and is coming clean, pardon the expression, and finally telling the truth!

But there’s a problem. Buried in the story is this nugget-

In Touch– Allegations of an affair between President Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels recently resurfaced after a Wall Street Journal article reported that the porn star was paid a reported $130,000 to stay silent.

While Stormy adamantly denied that anything happened in a letter released by Trump’s lawyer on Jan. 10, In Touch has an explosive first-person interview with the adult entertainer that was conducted in 2011, in which she details her affair with the then-star of NBC’s The Apprentice.

The “new” interview is 7 years old. So, forget all about Daniels’ most recent letter stating that what she said back then was a crock, NEWSWEEK HAS THE GOODS!



41 Comments on Newsweek Touts Explosive Interview With Porn Star That Says She Slept With Trump

  1. Based on the behavior of preceeding presidents, how is this news? Clinton, Johnson and Kennedy led the way. I guess the press thinks since all his supporters are Bible thumping hayseeds we’ll be shocked by t his and abandon him. Guess again.

  2. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that Trump did shag a porn star (a smoking-hot one, or so I’m told…).

    Bill Clinton: slept w/Hildebeast
    Barry Soetoro: slept with Sasquatch


  3. Newsweek is all salacious headlines to get clicks on their online presence. Shameful and unfortunate that liberal morons do read the headline and fall for it and probably quote it as the gospel.

  4. And this one to the big steaming pile of crap they say about My Donald which means absolutely nothing to me. NY Post is running the same dumb story on their homepage, BTW. I did not click to read it. They’ve gotten bad with the TDS. The post used to be less bad than the NY Daily News and now they are the same, apparently.

  5. Obama spent eight years at the White House getting banged in the can and its no big deal, and according to the press nobody’s business. Trump may or may not have had sex with a woman a few years ago and the press is outraged. What assholes.

  6. Same old story. Boy meets pornstar. Pornstar resists having sex with wealthy man on moral grounds, but eventually gives in. Pornstar then refuses money to keep quiet about sex.

    Are you kidding? Daniels was in over 250 porn movies, including such classics as Toxxxic Cumloads 6, Schoolgirls Who Swallow, and Camp Cuddly Pines Power Tool Massacre. She’s been in the business for 17 years, and folks are upset that Trump may have nailed a prolific porn star? Next, you will be telling me Charlie Sheen spent his weekends at the library.

  7. They will never give up on trying to oust President Trump for any reason. They simply hate him. By they, I mean the LSM, the never Trump RINOs, the demorats; they can’t believe he won and they simply won’t accept it.
    President Trump, I admire you more and more every day.
    MAGA and Phuchum!

  8. The deep state is in cahoots with the shadow gov. They are all SCARED. They are going DOWN the $h*thole holding hands with each other and the puppetmasrers of bummer and clintonistas.

  9. Poor forgotten Newsweek.
    The Left destroys everything it touches.

    First they had to abandon even a pretense of their print edition.
    Now they’re just a GoDaddy domain name and a clickbait farm for Google Ads. Staffed by Millenial rejects who washed out at HuffPo.

  10. @Moe – the only time my name disappears is when I delete cookies. Are you doing that, or going incognito with your browser?

    Newsweek was sold about 10 years ago to CA Dem representative Jane Harman for $1. It has changed hands (Daily Beast now) since then but still Leftist press.

  11. Chiefillinicake — Good to “see” you again.

    Yes, I thought of that too. And since he doesn’t drink or take drugs, if he had slept with her, he would have been stone, cold sober to boot. Not a chance.

  12. A big SO WHAT, true or otherwise. Consenting adults, correct? Anything illegal? Melania may have something to say about this if true, but that is of no concern to me. The alleged affair occurred while the Donald was a civilian.

    Big deal.

  13. AA

    Hope you’re well, darlin’

    I’m trying to remember the last time I had sober relations with my lady. Or any lady, for that matter.

    I find that I’m better looking with some sauce!

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