No Proof Whatsoever That Russia Helped Trump – IOTW Report

No Proof Whatsoever That Russia Helped Trump

19 Comments on No Proof Whatsoever That Russia Helped Trump

  1. The Republicans are publicly letting everyone know they aren’t going to work with Trump. They are fine delegitimizing his win so they don’t have to implement his policy. They are proving exactly what many of us have thought – they are no longer conservative, they don’t want tax cuts, they are reluctant to get rid of the aurocity ObamaCare without having another government solution, and they don’t want immigration reform in the form of a wall or anything that is going to cut off cheap labor. Basically they don’t want people to be independent any more than the Dems do. I suspect Trump will be adding more areas to his Thank You tour – he is going to need phones to be ringing off the hook in DC to drag these Republicans kicking and screaming to get anything done.

  2. “There’s nothing to do but revote”???? Oh man, I’d love to see them try that-I’m sure I’d be one of millions in DC.

    I don’t think we fully grasp the nightmare that REgressives & globalists are living now. They are willing to risk a civil war as well as WWlll.

    I’ve seen video of Putin literally begging us to stop lying about Russia. He’s taken these threats so seriously that he’s recalled Russians to come home and has staged the largest air raid practices in history.

  3. Yea Fred, those Podesta emails were “fairly usual stuff” the guy occupying the white house said.

    Gentlemen, start your engines, as they say at the races.

    Fred,Thanks for posting.

  4. @MJA – “…He’s like a cute little lab mouse…”

    I remember back in the day when It was rumored that Larry was an alter ego of a regular reader/commenter.

    Do we know for sure that Larry is a lab rat?

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