#nogreenpass – IOTW Report


via L’ultimo Uomo

They will not comply!

33 Comments on #nogreenpass

  1. The world is off-kilter when foreigners are out-Americaning Americans. Where they tell their leaders to eat shit, over here in the land of the free we are all getting in line to fellate Fauci. This is getting embarrassing.

  2. The Aussie one is quite impressive.

    Now try it Canadian style:

    Gary Lee & the Showdown
    Piss Me Off (The Rodeo Song)

    “Well it’s 40 below, and I don’t Give a fuck,
    Go a heater in my truck, and I’m off to the Rodeo.”

    Can someone please locate it on Y-tube & link it for me, I’m a Bit Hammered.

  3. LBS,

    GFM has been up and down like a toilet seat for the last 2 days. What are they saying this hour?
    I’ve lost track. Funding, holding back, refunding, giving to another charity. blah, blah, foot in mouth.

    Where are the cock smokers now?

  4. 90 percent of California will not comply. No media outlet is covering that. Suddenly we’ve found some men in Canada. Thank God. They are beyond not complying. Parts of Europe will not comply. WTF Australia? Where are your men. I read an article some time ago titled, “It’s Not Just Us, It’s Not Just Here”. This is all about Global Control. And way to late Biden’s after your guns. That ship has sailed. Looking forward to American truck drivers shutting down DC.

    And for your entertainment, here’s the last fucking out of touch hollywood bitch to commit career suicide. I use to like this guy. Buy alas he’s just another prima donna loser.

  5. Dwayne “the cock” Johnson was a SHIT football player.

    He was cut from the Calgary Stampeders in the Canadian Football League (3 downs & 110 yard field) I swear to God it has 2 fifty yard lines & “C” is the middle field line.

    I have had no interest in his movies and do not care.

  6. I think locking up January 6th protesters have scared folks, but there are people doing stuff. For instance in my neck of the woods, we already had pig farmers and cattle ranchers who took their meat out of the national supply and went straight to the consumer, many did it because of stock yards shutting down or putting restrictions that only buyers could be there during the covid shit. Now there are 20 of the biggest cattle producers in the state who have joined together and built their own packing plant, own distribution center and own store. They’re selling to state consumers, state grocers except WalMart they refuse to sell to them, and state restaurants. Now I’m learning of poultry and egg farms that were contracted with Tyson who didn’t renew their contracts and are taking their products local.

    They all say they aren’t doing it for the money, they’re doing it so they have a bigger voice and hope it catches on all across the country to let the politicians know if they want to eat they better start listening along with big corps who want to push leftist bullshit.

    I’m hearing truck farmers are going to start doing the same.

    I know it’s spreading into Arkansas, Missouri and Texas, if it keeps spreading a lot of leftists are going to learn red states produce a lot of food.

    But more needs to be done and nothing in my opinion is going to really take this country back until the government at all levels is torn down and started over.

  7. The Rock has always been a lib-loving leftie, I blame it on the steroids. I love his comment describing that other limp dicked sell-out John Cena, “Bloated transvestite Wonder Woman”……….nailed it.

    How many times have we said, never ever apologize, you will just make it worse. And I don’t agree with Rogan about it being OK that black people can banty that word around with equanimity. That most awful word should be banned from all users, period.

  8. Where are we in this? We need to be leaders not followers. I’m well armed, a genuine believer, but I’m a senior citizen, and not many conservative friends within 100 miles. I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with not being an active participant. And I am not suggesting it requires being armed, even a general protest would be fine with me.

  9. Wherever in the world it happens, it’s good.

    Combating Globalists and their nefarious schemes to gain complete control in all the major countries will require a global revolt.

    The powers that be are terrified of a people’s revolt. Their reaction to the truck convoy in Canada and the one planned in the US has them scared enough to crap in their pants.

  10. Joe6

    “And I am not suggesting it requires being armed,”

    I will submit to you it does. We’re all just sitting back and waiting. Things are obviously ramping up. Watch for the Fibbies to go total NAZI,

  11. Rich

    I don’t think the Rock Head has ever had one damn good thing to say about another celebrity. He chased Vin Diesel off that Fast and Faggot series they had going on. He’s a dick. BOYCOTT.

  12. Brad, I just didn’t want to inflame the pussies out there. Of course if you’re not armed you’re not prepared. Seems like I might have stepped in it a couple times lately and I thought it might help if I bent my knees a little. I believe I was wrong in that. I was momentarily weak, it won’t happen again.

  13. That’s what your IOTW brothers are for, to re-direct us when we get off course. Pour yourself three fingers of your best, go refresh the misses, pet the dog and all will be right with the world.

  14. @Rich

    I rarely disagree with you, but I do about the N word. I believe it was a mispronunciation of Negro, a word in Spanish for black. Many early settlers did not pronounce words correctly. Vermin became varmints, Indians became Injuns, idiot became idjut, which is actually close to the French pronunciation. If a person objects to “Nigger”, that person should also object to Negro, where “Nigger” derived from.

    However, being realistic about the racial climate today, I do not use the N word. And, it’s an outdated mispronunciation, just like “varmints”.

    I’ve seen black youths toss the N word around and didn’t object. If we all consider the original meaning and forget the current bad connotations, we will all get along a lot better.

    Furthermore, banning it would require what? Speech police? I’ve seen it used here on IOTW and believe freedom of speech to be more important than arguing over the use of an outdated word. Once we go down that road of making certain words unlawful, what’s next…queer, tranny, pussy, fatty….on and on. It’ll never stop.

  15. The fucking idiots ignore history of populist revolts at their own peril. The storming of the Bastille was the culmination of a populist uprising and that lead to full scale overturning of the entire power elite, not an isolated event.

  16. @TimBuktu

    I rarely disagree with you as well, kindreds spirits.

    When I said,”banned” I meant self-regulated. Of course, we don’t
    want the government, or any entity for that matter restricting any word or idea but well aimed/directed peer pressure can affect a more gentile harmonious method of interaction. And I would prefer all races accept the same pledge to clean their discourse.

    We got lots of words in the English language to choose from including some blue smoke emitting gems, necessary in some instances, the “N” word needs to be retired, just my opinion.


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