NoKo pressures US to cancel military exercise with So. Korea – IOTW Report

NoKo pressures US to cancel military exercise with So. Korea

kim jung un

Breitbart-The Associated Press reports that annual military exercises with South Korea have been halted–indefinitely–due to rising tensions on the DMZ and threats of war from Pyongyang. Is this a concession to North Korea’s threats, a bid to reduce tensions on the peninsula, or is it necessary to give American and South Korean units a chance to prepare for possible combat? More



6 Comments on NoKo pressures US to cancel military exercise with So. Korea

  1. Odumbo doesn’t want to make them so mad that in the future they won’t send us all their poor, tired, sick and afflicted refugees! Odumbo has been hoping for a breakthrough bonanza from that turd of a country for a long time now! His eyes positively glaze over just thinking of the multi-millions of people he could import here!

  2. Maybe some artillery practice on the Mexican border would wake them up to the fact that they are not a legitimate government who can control THEIR border……….it’s about time. Then again neither are we…….!!

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