North Korea claims it successfully tested long-range rocket engine – IOTW Report

North Korea claims it successfully tested long-range rocket engine

kim jong un missile

CBC: U.S. urges North Korea to ‘refrain from actions and rhetoric that further destabilize the region’.

North Korea said Saturday it has successfully tested a new intercontinental ballistic rocket engine that will give it the ability to stage nuclear strikes on the United States.

The engine’s ground test, if true, would be a big step forward for the North’s nuclear weapons program, which saw its fourth atomic test earlier this year. But the North may still need a good deal of work before it can hit the U.S. mainland with nuclear missiles. South Korean officials say North Korea doesn’t yet have a reliable intercontinental ballistic missile, let alone the ability to arm it with a nuclear warhead.


9 Comments on North Korea claims it successfully tested long-range rocket engine

  1. I have an idea: Send Kerry to NK to negotiate with them. Then we could keep a closer watch on NK missile program, because Kerry’s deal would probably allow NK to set up missile bases along our Pacific coast. They are such peaceful people, don’t you know.

  2. Un’s delusions of adequacy will be his Un-doing.

    Sooner or later one of his crustacean sycophantic ass-suckers is going to wake up to the danger into which he’s put them – with NO discernible benefit. Or when the Chinks issue a recall.

    When he no longer serves their purpose, he’ll have a massive coronary, or cancer, or stroke, or just disappear – but as long as he keeps Obola pissing his pants, without REALLY doing anything, and keeps the Chinks amused, he’s OK.

    izlamo delenda est …

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