Northam “99% Sure” Who’s in Blackface – IOTW Report

Northam “99% Sure” Who’s in Blackface

Virginia Pilot

Gov. Ralph Northam told The Washington Post that he is “99% sure” of the identity of the man who donned blackface in a photograph included on his medical school yearbook page ― a discovery that nearly derailed his governorship in 2019.

In a statement provided to The Virginian-Pilot and Daily Press, Northam’s office on Tuesday declined to name the man he believes wore blackface in the photo, which ran on Northam’s page in a 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook. More

29 Comments on Northam “99% Sure” Who’s in Blackface

  1. You know what?


    THIS asshole has done FAR worse things than cause hurt feelz 35 years later in people who are far too sensitive in the FIRST place.

    He’s wrecked economies since then, helped steal elections since then, advanced Communism since then, caused the DEATHS OF HIS CONSTITUENTS WITH COVID AND JAB LIES SINCE THEN.

    FUCK 35 years ago.

    The guy needs hung for the shit he’s done NOW.

  2. What I can say is that during my high school years our home had a racially diverse bunch hanging around constantly. This is a fact that was well known at school and nobody that hung around our home gave it much thought, we are talking about military kids.

    Our parents came from all parts of the country and joined the military as a career, my mother was a career AAFES employee. In those days people in the military were FAR MORE likely to interact socially with people of other races than the population at large.

    I am going to come right out and admit that very little was off limits when it came to joking around and everyone was well aware that we played rough. If someone crossed the line it was damn near guaranteed to be someone who had no experience interacting with other races and was trying to fit in. Think the clumsiness of Kamala Harris as an example of the type. Someone who really doesn’t fit in, wants to fit in but really doesn’t get the dynamic and never will.

    Costuming and racial jokes were the norm, not the exception. Everybody was into having fun at each other’s expense and no offense was taken. No quarter was given and no apologies were needed unless someone crossed the line.

    I think that is why I can go onto an Indian reservation and have Tribal Members warm up to me to this day. I was married to someone who fancied herself the Queen of Woke, The Ultimate Social Justice Warrior, despite never having given so much as one thin dime to any 401C3 or lifted a finger for anything other than a protest.

    In fifteen years, if she interacted with anyone socially who wasn’t lilly white it is a well kept secret. We had been invited to and entertained in the homes of black couples, mixed race couples and Indian couples who were my friends many times, yet she took it as her prerogative to engage me in a one-way enlightenment of the benighted on what constitutes racism.

    Fast forward to my 40 Year High School reunion and I am surrounded by friends or all races to the degree that it had to be glaringly obvious that I don’t and never have judged people by the color of their skin. What is more, I have maintained relationships with all of these people and we are just as comfortable jackassing around today as we have ever been and giving each other maximum shit.

    The proper response from this idiot politician could have been: Yea, so what? But more likely than not, he is uncomfortable around black people because he has never been around them socially and the primary trait he judges them by is the color of their skin. His circle of friends, if he even has any (most politicians don’t have any true friends) doesn’t include any people of other races. Nobody of any other race would jump straight down the throat of the first person who accused him of being a racist.

    I am inclined to believe that he deserved what he got and that his dressing up in that costume was done with malicious intent and he knows that.

  3. Northam admitted it was him before the election!
    Then the party had a pow-wow with him that very evening and the next day he was denying it up one side and down the other! They had to have every democRAT win they could lay their hands on!

  4. Virginia Pilot is a Lib rag. Resurrect his career? He pandered to every Marxist/ racist idea and destroyed Monument Ave with his silence on removing Confederate statues that once were the key tourist draws for Richmond. I wonder if Richmond will refund all those tourists revenues they comm cted over the years? He has to be the worst VA Governor in modern times and that includes Byrd. His administration confirmed what we all know: scandals destroy Republican Administrations but scandals embolden Democrat Administration who ultimately destroy the foundations of a civil society. FRN

  5. JDHasty

    Very well said.
    That’s how I grew up in Middle class Toronto. We were all quite mixed and all took shot at each other. We are all still Friends.

    Once you make it about Race, it is only about Race and then we become separated.

    1970’s Toronto looked exactly like the video “Subdivisions” by Rush except it was much more muti-cultural. Our divisions were Economic NOT Racial.

  6. Northan may try this: The guy in blackface was my illegitimate twin brother. He died many years ago and the family burnt all records of his birth, existence, and death. Why? Because he was a bastard, and mom and dad didn’t like having a bastard in the family. They are strict Presbyterians, y’ know.

  7. The whole ‘was Northam in that picture’ discussion is irrelevant. Of course he is one of the two – but even if he weren’t, it is a photo that he chose to be put on his personal yearbook page. That part is completely undeniable.

  8. I didn’t know Joey B went to medical school. Cause he didn’t! Claims are that picture is from 35 years ago. Not him, but one in that picture could very well be the “gov”, but then he said it wasn’t. Could be DJT, but we all know he didn’t make it past the 6th grade.


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