Northam’s Wife Stops the Imbecile From Moonwalking During Presser – IOTW Report

Northam’s Wife Stops the Imbecile From Moonwalking During Presser

The guy is a bit of a moron.

Get him out of there.

30 Comments on Northam’s Wife Stops the Imbecile From Moonwalking During Presser

  1. If the damn press would do their job this crap would come out during elections and a lot of this fools wouldn’t get elected.

    But as the press only goes after Republicans this is what happens.

    Actually it’s fun watching the Dems go after each other

  2. So in 1984, when MJ is skin bleaching, this moron decides a black face MJ dance off would win him the day?
    Btw, I can’t imagine the stiff white Northram has an ounce of rhythm, not even falling downstairs, much less moonwalking.

    Oh yeah, he knows the MJ blackface pic is out there. He thinks he’s playing offense, that’s how dumb he is.

  3. I don’t care if he dressed in blackface I don’t see that as racist just the same as I don’t see dressing like Pocahontas as racist. WHAT I do care about is the murder this man is trying to make law and what actually it’s all about. As vile as the law is, most women would never have an abortion in their third trimester we have data to back that up. So is this law a step into making murder legal? What the heck is it about? There are rumors democrats put out the photo….What is going on!!

  4. Reporter: “Do you speak jive, governor?”

    Northam: (Looks at wife)… “While I am quite fluent in jive, I only speak it on transcontinental flights if the stewardesses ask for help as an interpreter.”

    Northam’s Wife: (Punches Northam in face)

  5. Northam: “My wife says ‘inappropriate circumstances'”

    “And everything else aside, I’ve just demonstrated before the entire country that I’m pussy-whipped too.”

    (But that might be a resume’ enhancer for a Democrat.)

  6. This whole situation stinks, Virginia voters must not have any common sense or thinking ability
    and they deserve what they voted for, hope he stays in as a prime example of the liberals.

  7. A lot of racist comments on this blog. Stiff whites, no rhythm…uh, that’s awful racist. Are you saying blacks have rhythm just because they are black? Whites don’t because they are white. Say that to Gene Kelly or millions of whites with rhythm. Asswipe.

  8. Most people dont understand that a huge population in Virginia work in DC,all the Liberals ruined that city and fled to Virginia , the real face of the Democrat party is showing right Mr Byrd….

  9. The man has trouble determining what is appropriate and inappropriate. Obviously.

    But COME ON MAN! wouldn’t that have been the icing on the cake if he would have moonwalked during a serious press conference about racial bigotry?

    Oh lord that would have made the top 10 dumbest political stunts of all time! Lady you ruined it!


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