Not Sure Who Would Pay… – IOTW Report

Not Sure Who Would Pay…

19 Comments on Not Sure Who Would Pay…

  1. yeah, well I’m getting into the Apple Cider market ’cause chicks dig it

    gonna call my brand ‘Dicken’s Cider’ … ’cause ever gal wants a Dicken’s Cider!

    Bro, I think you need my help marketing your cider. LOL. Womenz now days are like Timex Watches. They need a licken to keep on ticken. Call me.

  3. we had this janitor guy in one of our Water Plants called Big Mike. he used to say he treated women like postage stamp, “I lick ’em, I stick ’em & send them on their way.” I laughed & told Big Mike the only thing he ever licked were windows!

    he almost caught me, ’cause it’s hard to run when you’re laughing …

    for a fat guy he sure could run!


    That’s how I got throat cancer. The old HPV. Which when diagnosed caused a few issues between me and wifey. When Gurls get a paps smear they get checked for HPV and she’s never had it. Well right before I was about to die by my wife’s hands Doc pipes up and say, yea, that shit can lay dormant in your system for 50 years and an infection will set it off. That’s exactly what happened to me. So now I’m thinking I should be doing Public Service shit at the local high school with visual aids. See this kids, looks delicious doesn’t it. Careful, it’ll kill ya. LOL I pray every night for BFH and Mr. Pinko. LOL, ya just know they stuck their tongues some where that they didn’t belong. LOL.

  5. yeah, know what you mean Brad …
    “I pray every night for BFH and Mr. Pinko. LOL, ya just know they stuck their tongues some where that they didn’t belong. LOL.”
    they used to hang around all those NYC Glam Bands back in the ’70’s & ’80’s … you don’t know what they got swimming around in their DNA!


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