NRA: Wayne LaPierre Resigns – IOTW Report

NRA: Wayne LaPierre Resigns

ABC News

Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, has announced he is resigning from the organization days before the start of a civil corruption trial.

LaPierre, 74, cited health reasons, according to the NRA. The resignation will be effective Jan. 31. More

15 Comments on NRA: Wayne LaPierre Resigns

  1. Laticia James says: “ All charities in New York state must adhere to the rule of law, and my office will not tolerate gross mismanagement or top executives funneling millions into their own pockets.”

    So she will be going after the Clinton Global Initiative now, right?

  2. There’s been a lot of pressure on the NRA to DO SOMETHING lately. All Wayne did was spend their/our money on expensive vacations. Tom Selleck, who was a long time board member, should take over.

  3. That man absolutely destroyed the NRA more than any left-wing group ever could. He turned our once-venerated institution into his personal cash cow. The Fairfax HQ is a crumbling mess, the staff are totally demoralized, and our political muscle has all but vanished under his “stewardship”. Eff him. He should have left years ago.

    Hopefully the oldest Civil Rights organization in America will recover under new leadership by returning to its roots and it’s reverence not just to the Second Amendment, but to respect and belief in the Constitution of These United States of America.

    Now, more than ever, we need clarity of focus and adherence to principles.


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