Nunes Warns: Something “Odd” About Mueller’s Upcoming Testimony – IOTW Report

Nunes Warns: Something “Odd” About Mueller’s Upcoming Testimony


The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) says there is something “odd” about the plans surrounding Robert Mueller’s July 17 congressional testimony.

“I don’t know which direction he’s [Mueller] going to go…I think there are two trains of thought out there: One is he’s just not going to say anything, which is very possible, but it’s also very possible too that he could throw a monkey wrench in things,” Nunes said.


13 Comments on Nunes Warns: Something “Odd” About Mueller’s Upcoming Testimony

  1. He’s said his peace. Go fishing that day, because the marble-mouthed moron has filed his report. Come back the next Monday, & ask the democraps – “Soooo… how was your weekend?” Pretend it NEVER happened, because we sure as SHITTIN’ ain’t payin’ a bit of attention to it. 🙄

  2. DiGenova and Toensing said Mueller is not the only one that will be testifying, before his friends, I mean Congress.

    Andrew Weisman is supposed to testify maybe the day after?

    This is supposed to be ‘damaging’.

    I am sure DJT POTUS and Barr are ready for the rats and lizards of the Swamp.

  3. It was a stupid move for the Dems (Nadler/Swalwell) to bring Mueller in for a republican grueling. Now they realize it and they’re trying to change all the rules to try and fix the mistake chess-move that Nadler made. They cried when the Mueller report arrived that they wanted Mueller to testify because they didn’t like the result. Then their concerned constituents kept crying for Mueller to testify to Congress. Now they got their wish oh, but now they know it’s a no-win game. What their constituents still think that all the haw and the crying that was done after the Mueller report was released is actually valid. They (Democrats) have a voting problem and that is why they are bringing him in. And that is why they are manipulating the terms on which he will testify.

  4. Hope it brings something out that might be more meaningful than being ‘Trey Gowdy 2.0’
    Doubt it,
    Never give up on a chance for hope though.

  5. said it before … Muleface & his henchman are going to make enough innuendo, suggestions & suppositions that the D’rats are going to run, so fast, to the nearest MSM TV cameras & breathlessly proclaim that Muleface gave them a clear ‘roadmap’ to impeach … this has all been scripted, bank on it

  6. It does not matter how his testimony will go; the media will spin it to try and make the dems into winners and our “duly-elected and beloved President Trump” into a loser.

  7. I tend to be pessimistic about things like this, preferring to be pleased if things work to our benefit. My secret fear is this is going to be shit bomb, compliments of Robert Mueller.

  8. As we well know by now….it doesn’t matter what he says, the same scat will be flung in TRUMP’s direction by the demoncrats and the republican’ts will eagerly bend over and spread their ass cheeks for it.

  9. Third train of thought: during the hearing, Mueller drops his pants and starts masturbating while justin beiber tunes. Fat Jerry adler would join right in.

  10. “Rule Number One” concerning testimony: Do Not deviate from your report. Anything at odds with the report damages ones credibility.

    So, I wouldn’t expect anything grossly different from what is in the report; that, or this guy doesn’t give a shit about his reputation.


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