Living among us: Arafat ‘Ralph’ Succar, a leader in the New York City Syrian community, said Wednesday that he believes ISIS terrorists are already in America.
‘You can go to the Syrian government today and say to them, “I need a piece of paper that says I’m Tony Caterpillar.” And they give it to you.
‘These are not forged documents. These are written out by a government employee who needs money, whose family has no food,’ Succar said.
DC police have named these 4 guys “Persons of Interest.”
Meanwhile, president Obozo, ISIS’s most potent weapon, is strong-arming the country into accepting tens of thousands of Syrian men for placement in your city.
Gosh Wally, I’ll bet the pathetic, narcissistic, arrogant, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, phony baloney, plastic banana republic, flexible, ankle-grabbing, lying, tone-deaf ,Marxist ,mosloid-loving dip-shit already knew that!
Good call Beave…
Has anyone ever checked Obamas ID?
maybe instead of a id check he should have an ego check.
Wait till they find out that they can get a Consular ID from any Mexican consulate for $27 without providing any form of identification. I have one, it has my picture and the name Jesus Rodrigues, and my ancestors came here from Norway back in the early 1800’s. Legally, I should add.
Many illegals get real pissed when they find out that they paid coyotes thousands of dollars to be smuggled in and for papers when they could have just walked across the border at any border town, went to the consulate and got an ID, and been out less than $50 including lunch and the bus ride.
What a coincidence. Our government is corrupt and will take a fake ID for a buck. We’re fucked.
And like Hannity said today, why have we had three well-publicized arrests of “Syrians” trying to come across our souther border in the last week? Not what Barky needs right now. Sounds like a passive-aggressive palace revolt to me. Even they’re getting creeped out by Citizen of the World.
It was determined to be forged.