NYT: ‘True Islam Does Not Kill Blasphemers’ – IOTW Report

NYT: ‘True Islam Does Not Kill Blasphemers’

FPM: In the second Islamic apologetics article that the New York Times published in as many days last week (here’s my takedown of the other one), Turkish professional moderate Mustafa Akyol (pictured above) claimed: “True Islam Does Not Kill Blasphemers.” It’s unlikely that anyone laughed, because people who know the truth and care about it are unlikely to be subscribers to the New York Times.

Here is a quick test of whether what Mustafa Akyol says is true or not: let him go to Pakistan, or Iran, or Afghanistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Somalia, or Sudan, or any other country that implements Islamic law, and tell the Islamic authorities there that true Islam does not kill blasphemers. Akyol apparently expects us to believe that all the Islamic authorities in all those countries, and all the Islamic scholars who formulated Islamic law from the Qur’an and Sunnah, got Islam all wrong, wrong, wrong, and finally here comes Mustafa at last, with the genuine article.

In reality, if Akyol denied the death penalty for blasphemy in any Sharia state, he could end up being executed for blasphemy himself.

Akyol begins by discussing the case of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman in Pakistan who spent eight years on death row for supposed “blasphemy” against Muhammad, and who has now been acquitted and freed but is now being hunted in that country by Muslims desperate to spill her blood. According to Akyol, these Muslims are misunderstanding their own religion:

Muslims who support such violent or oppressive responses to blasphemy are missing two important points. One is that it is them, not the blasphemers, who are defaming Islam, by presenting it as an immature tradition that has little room for civilized discourse. The second point is that their zealotry is not as religiously grounded as they think.

To see this, one must look at the Quran — the most fundamental and only undisputed source of Islam. Most notably, throughout all of its 6,236 verses, it never tells Muslims to silence blasphemy with force. It tells them only to respond with dignity.

Akyol then quotes a few of the Qur’an verses that he claims support his point: “You are sure to hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with God. If you are steadfast and mindful of God, that is the best course.” (3:186) And one that praises “those who walk humbly on the earth, and who, when the foolish address them, reply, ‘Peace.’” (25:63) Akyol adds: “Yet another verse addresses the issue of mockery, telling Muslims that when they hear people who ridicule ‘God’s revelations,’ they should just ‘not sit with them.’ [4:140]”

Akyol claims that the whole death penalty for blasphemy is just a big misunderstanding: “As Islamic jurisprudence developed over the centuries, much was added to the spirit of the Quran, based often on dubious reports about the words and deeds of the prophet. Blasphemy, in particular sabb al-rasul, or ‘insulting the prophet,’ gradually became a capital crime — but only with objections from prominent jurists like Abu Hanifa, the eighth-century founder of one of the four main Sunni schools. A bigger sin than insulting the prophet is disbelief in God, he reasoned, but Islam decrees no punishment for that.” read more

15 Comments on NYT: ‘True Islam Does Not Kill Blasphemers’

  1. The religion of peace be so busy converting people with their truth that it doesn’t have to kill anybody.

    Now for my next lie I’d like to tell you about newsreporters who believe in government “of the people, for the people, by the people…”

  2. NYT has hated Americans for 100 years! Still does! they print anti-America propaganda as”news”! This is an example of just such America hate. Muslimshave been killing blasphemers for 1,500 years. Still do. Check to what Mohamed(his “real” name did in SoCal this weekend!

    NYT wants Americans dead or enslaved. Letting Muslims in will do that!

    I am very biased. 74 + 73 years ago the NYT wrote a series of “news” articles on the Pacific war. they portrayed the Jarheads as bad guys and the Jape as saints! I had 4 relatives killing Japs ! I will NEVER forgive nor forget!

  3. The thing is, even if that were true NYT could rail against the ones who did perpetrate such evil crimes. But they don’t – in fact they run the other way and cover up the stories.
    I say all the time that I will accept anyone’s religion, as long as their beliefs do not include the right to harm others unless to protect the innocent. If a Muslim truly believes in loving and caring for others I’m fine with it.

  4. Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

    You know what would happen to Mustava Bin an-Ayshole if he went to Saudi Arabia and said that the hadith were “dubious reports of Mohammed’s deeds and words?” He’d be beheaded for uttering blasphemy (baroompada-SCHWING!)

    I Shi’ite you not, Sunnis (Wa wa wahhab)

  5. Typical fake news, though. All Hadeeth are ranked according to their authenticity from Batl (clearly false) to Da’eef (weak source) to Saheeh (Well sourced, authentic) So, SOME hadeeth are dubious as he says, which is why Muslims pay no attention to them

    Which is why Muslims only pay attention to compilations of Saheeh such as Saheeh Bukhari — which does have hadeeth explicitly sanctioning of death to blasphemers


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