Obama annoys Yosemite visitors – IOTW Report

Obama annoys Yosemite visitors

“We have not been able to move any place in the park,” said Kubala.

“Nobody can go out, nobody can go in,” said Anderson.

For hours before, during, and after Mr. Obama’s speech nearly all traffic in Yosemite National Park was at a standstill.

“It’s really unfortunate that four people jam up at least 100,000 people,” said Kubala.


And then there’s this:


“The biggest challenge we are going to face in protecting this place and places like it is climate change. Make no mistake, climate change is no longer a threat it is a reality.”

That comment about climate change got ultra conservative Republican Congressman Tom McClintock, who’s district covers Yosemite and most the sierra range, a little concerned.

“With his comments about global warming, I would point out that if his speech had been given on this very spot 12,000 years ago we would be under a 3,000-foot sheet of ice. So global warming has been going on for a long time, long before the invention of the SUV.”  MORE

15 Comments on Obama annoys Yosemite visitors

  1. Just ask any GloBull EnviroNazi about the Medieval Warm Period (about 400? years ago), and the Little Ice Age, during the American Revolution. Ask them to explain those, long before any Industrial Revolution.

  2. Look at those nostrils! They have to be having some kind of effect on the climate. He must extract boogers with a backhoe. Has an environmental impact statement been done? The only thing big enough to fill those holes would be his ego.

  3. Telling that he should give a speech on the environment in the most overdeveloped, and commercialized national park in the country.
    I visited Yosemite in the 60′ and 70′ and 80’s. By the time the eighties rolled around I could no longer bear what they did to a once beautiful place.
    Although I left on a high note.
    On my last trip there I got to watch a black bear disassemble a brand new Ninja Motorcycle to get to the dried pineapple stored under the seat.

  4. I love ABCs spin: “The visitors were upset because they couldn’t get a better view of the president”. No, the visitors were upset because a vacation they had planned for a year or more was ruined by an inconsiderate, narcissistic asshole!

  5. I took the wife to London in May of 2011. We went to see the changing of the guard one morning and thousands were there but the changing never happened. I finally asked a cop what was going on and he said Obama was in Buckingham Palace to see the queen so the changing was canceled. That bastard is a pain in the ass everywhere he goes.

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