Obama doesn’t have a “whiff of a scandal” because the MSM heads the other way when they smell them – IOTW Report

Obama doesn’t have a “whiff of a scandal” because the MSM heads the other way when they smell them

Guy Benson Calls Out Media’s ‘Near Silence’ on Obama-Hezbollah Bombshell Report.


A growing number of Republican lawmakers are calling for answers after a bombshell report that the Obama administration blocked a law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah for fear of jeopardizing the Iran nuclear deal.

The reporter behind the piece, Josh Meyer, explained earlier this weekthat federal investigators were gathering evidence of Hezbollah transforming itself from a political power to an organization that trafficked in drugs and other criminal conspiracies to make hundreds of millions of dollars. He said Obama administration officials threw a series of roadblocks in front of the investigation, which halted efforts to curtail top Hezbollah operatives’ criminal activities.

On “Outnumbered” on Friday, Guy Benson said this report makes one wonder if there were no depths to which the Obama administration was unwilling to go to pursue the nuclear agreement with Iran.


Former Gov’t Officials Warned About Hezbollah Story Months Ago

 See this video-

28 Comments on Obama doesn’t have a “whiff of a scandal” because the MSM heads the other way when they smell them

  1. I’m by nature an optimist. And I’m really digging this “Q Anon”. He/she are developing a pretty good track record in the short time they have been sprinkling their bread crumbs.
    If this person is the real deal, “Trust Sessions”. The posts seem to tie the Clinton Foundation to the recent Saudi cleansing and a child sex trafficking ring. Anyway you look at it, if these posts are true, Trump is aggressively pursuing people that have tried to destroy this country. This shits better than any who dunnit I’ve ever read.

  2. The Media has withheld important information from the People, info that could Change the course of action of an entire Nation.
    What kind of penalty comes with that, they should be held responsible this is criminal action !

  3. this may, or may not grow enough legs to end up in prosecutions (please, please, please, I hope, I hope, I hope) …. but it’s great that these traitors are now backpedaling & on the defensive

  4. riverlife_callie

    We might be getting e-mail group following all this info. It’s fantastic. If we do I’ll hit you up for your e mail address. The Power outage at the Atlanta airport is a mind bender. Here’s something else that’s really interesting. You read what he (or she) posted about the Saudi’s and Clinton. Who owned the top floors Mandalay Bay? Saudis.

  5. ATL – no sh*t!
    The info re the Saudis, Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers has really been eye-opening.

    Yes, please include me in the email group. BFH has my email address and he has my permission to share it with you.

  6. You’re right. Better than any whodunnit I’ve ever read. Plus, it makes me VERY optimistic about the future of our country. Can’t wait to see if Hillary is tied to the child-traffic pedo ring. Bitch is goin’ down.

  7. riverlife_callie

    Absolutely. To think everything is above board in U.S. Government and nothing is clandestine is naive. I’ll estimate we see 30%. But again, this is to cool. Tsunami is ahead of the power curve here and leading the parade.

  8. Do you find yourself thinking in Q-Anon-ese?

    Where are my car keys?
    Who ate the last of the apple pie?
    Why is this relevant?


    There is almost TOO much info to absorb, but I’m loving it.

  9. “Why is this relevant?”
    How awesome is that. I find myself constantly checking to see if there was another dump. If this turns out to be some hobo in New Jersey, I don’t care. Its to damn good. But I seriously doubt that. Especially when the FAA confirms there was one flight leaving an airport in the middle of a power outage. Headed for DC. Holy crap.

  10. Lol @ “hobo in New Jersey.”

    I don’t think so either. Too much has already proved to be true.

    Do you think someone was “extracted” in Atlanta or was a false flag stopped? Either way, something big happened. It was no mere power outage.

    I haven’t been this enthused about something since I can’t remember when. If it turns out to be a hoax – oh well. I will still have learned a lot.

    Tell Tsunami to get cracking. I’m excited to find people that want to talk about this. Fun and very educational.

  11. I’ll be the happiest guy in town to announce to everybody and anybody that I was dead wrong on Sessions, if the story continues to unfold showing him to be the master Columbo.

  12. joe6pak – did you see the latest executive order? This is another thing Sessions has been working on. And that is why he wanted civil forfeiture. When the Clintons, Saudis (old ones, not the new prince), and other bad actors get indicted, all their billions will belong to us. More than enough to build the wall and pay down the debt.

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