Obama ‘Dreamers’ Program Declared Illegal by Federal Judge – IOTW Report

Obama ‘Dreamers’ Program Declared Illegal by Federal Judge

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects the children of illegal immigrants from deportation, is illegal, a federal judge has ruled. more here

15 Comments on Obama ‘Dreamers’ Program Declared Illegal by Federal Judge

  1. House Republicvnts should take note and act with similar haste and abandon to Judge Hanen as they purse the swift and sentient Biden with their republicvntish impeachment inquiry into whether or not to start an impeachment investigation.

  2. This is very simple to fix. Of course there is no chance of it happening until Trump is in the White House, or a Republican anyway.
    It is illegal to employ illegal aliens, which is anyone not a citizen or without a green card. Enforce that against the employers, no need to go after the aliens themselves. Remove any welfare-type support. They now have no means of sustaining themselves. Offer to pay for their trip home, still less costly than keeping them here.
    Some consideration for timing. These people are here for the most part because they were lied to, most of them are victims of American Democrat messaging. We can be kind to them (not including the dangerous ones of course), but they will need to return to their own country, where they can fill out an application if they want to become a US citizen the legal way.

  3. LCD — Used to be that Washington State had a perennial and reliable work force every year to help bring in the fruit and other harvests. They were joined by a regular, seasonal workforce of American families and single men (mostly), who followed the harvest schedule from state to state. In WA state, this was predominately an eastern WA event. For the most part, Mexicans were here legally for that. They didn’t live in their cars or encampments as there were small worker “houses” maintained by the growers.

    Today: In Seattle — just last week — I was referred a work crew to clean out our back slope. All three guys were here illegally from Brazil. Great guys and harder workers you’ll never find. I didn’t know their status until they showed up and because a friend booked them for us and I was grateful for that. But I paid more than I’ve ever paid before for the job and the guy in charge (the only one who spoke ok english) said that he and his associates send all their pay back to Brazil. No surprise there, but the company he works for makes no bones about the fact they charge no taxes for a cash payment. It’s even stated on their estimates and invoices. I’d like to see an American business owner skate on taxes so boldly. Ha! They’d get a wake up call at 4a by 50 IRS agents, packing.

    All to say, there are way too many individual homeowners, etc., who will hire illegals for their hard jobs. I’m ashamed to say I was unwittingly one of them. I’d say about 85% of all the yard guys in Seattle are here illegally, and we have a burgeoning number of military-aged Ukrainian men who have elbowed in on the painting and construction trades. What the heck?! Doesn’t Ukraine need their guys for their war?

  4. How these illegal “laws” work is that they finally get struck down way too late to change their effect. We’ve got an administrative (Deep) state that’s here mostly because of FDR’s hair-on-fire alphabet agencies, many of which were later deemed unconstitutional.

    Leftists, they’re all alike.


    My sis and I both were punished by teachers 65 years ago fdor defending a Republican, white nationalist, isolationist , we were Dem.
    Republican was OPERATIOON WETBACK Ike!

    Best thing to happen to “working Americans” between 1930 and 1981 was OPERATION WETBACK! because of the reductions in costs related to criminal aliens inflation was negative 4 of the next 5 years. Living staNARDS – FOR WORKERS – ROSE! WE HAD DEFLATION SO WE COULD BUY MORE!

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