FrontPage: It’s not exactly news that the media is there to help Obama. It’s not even news that the White House feeds talking points to the media. It just doesn’t usually do so at press conference while saying, “Print this.”

obama hope progress change bs

So now we’ve hit a new low in the pathetic disgusting relationship between Obama and his media lapdogs.

During his press conference on the school shootings, Obama told the media what to print. 


  1. Harry Reid once said smoething about men beating their wives more than usual after watching their team lose a football game.

    Barky lost a big game with Putin yesterday, so this must be the beating of the wife portion of the program.

  2. The media’s firm planting of their lips on Obunghole’s ass (hell – all Democrats’ asses, but especially Obunghole’s) has been the single most disappointing theme from the Obunghole years.

  3. “.. I would ask news organizations — because I won’t put these facts forward — have news organizations tally up the number of Americans who’ve been killed through terrorist attacks over the last decade and the number of Americans who’ve been killed by gun violence, and post those side-by-side on your news reports….”

    Clever Obama math.
    When shootings are clearly terrorists related he makes sure it is officially called work place violence. Ahem : Fort Hood, amongst several others.

    And I guess Benghazi was gun violence over an obscure youtube video. Not a planned terrorists attack. Just more gun violence.

    If he gave me that challenge in public I’d call him out on the intentional wrong classifications.

    But the press seems not the least embarrassed that they are treated as obedient brain washed slaves in public. No red face of the public display of being owned.

    Of course O is lying again. I believe he did put forth “his” facts yesterday and Dana L showed they were incorrect, aka lies.

  4. Every time this ginned-up, dumbed-down, Politically Correct, hashtag opportunistic, carpet-bagging, counterfeit, cheap, lying, no good, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic Socialist Rat-Bastard horse’s ass opens his mouth road-apples drop out!

  5. I should like to see a break down of how many murders were convicted felons out on parole versus how many were illegal Aliens versus law abiding peeps protecting themselves of others.

    Then I would like to see a breakdown of Terrorist groups by name that murdered Americans THEN and how many of those then Terrorist groups Obama has taken off the official Terrorist list.

    Obama knows he can make these mind boggling ass-clown statements because he knows the press will do his bidding and his base is comprised of either cool-aid drinking libtards or utter idiots who don’t pay attention.

    476 days left until this SCFOAMF is out of our lives. And if there is any hold up, I mean any delay. … civil war baby and the reporters will be the first to be line up against a wall. Well, 2nd actually.

  6. Has anyone seen the mother of this mangraloid yet? I have not seen what that creature looks like or anything about it. Please let me know.thnx

  7. Every time one of the brain impaired terrorists goes on yet another killing spree, I wonder what safeguards the locations had in place? Apparently, none, since anyone can walk in with weapons and kill whomever is in the gun sights…When the liberals start going rabid monkey over removing all guns, whom do they think will defend their liberal asses? The cops are busy fighting the progtard hustled up groups screaming racystssssss….. disarming citizens and denying of Second Amendment rights will remove anyone able to help defend the innocents…so what then? wanna bet the libbies will keep their weapons and hide them to use in self-defense? Being the rabid monkey shitslinging hypocrites they are…probably so…. this is headed for bad all around….just what they wanted.

  8. Here is the latest: Us refuses Russian terrorist list..lists Oregon shooter, info not PC here:

    via EU TIMES: The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
    According to this report, the black-Islamist terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been identified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.

    By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7 others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.

    Most critical to note about this FSB report is that where it ends, the mysterious, and hugely read, Russian publication Reedus (Ridus.ru) continues—and to fully understand this information one must note that Russian intelligence agencies (SVR/FSB) frequently use Reedus to put information into the public sphere that otherwise would have serious international consequences should the government be found to be behind it—thus giving Reedus its current status known as “a Kremlin resource” and an “agency of Orthodox journalism”. [Русский]

    And the information relating to the black-Islamist terrorist Mercer “leaked” into Reedus by the SVR/FSB is, to say the least, shocking and disturbing–including that immediately after the Oregon mass shooting, his Internet personal profile was changed from his true identity as an ISIS/ISIL terror supporter to one of his being a “white conservative Republican”. [Русский]

    Also important to be noted was Mercer’s association with the ISIS/ISIL terrorist Mahmoud Ali Ehsani, who is banned in Russia [Русский], and was one of only two of Mercer’s MySpace “friends” and who praises the Islamic State, calls for the killing of Jews and glorifies in pictures on his MySpace page his rapture of these terrorists.

    With the true knowledge of Mercer being known as the black-Islamic terrorist he truly was, information which the Obama regime refused to accept from Russia, his mass terror act in identifying and killing Christians becomes immediately understandable.

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