Obama On Dem Loss – “Too Many Bars Have Fox News On the Tee Vee” – IOTW Report

Obama On Dem Loss – “Too Many Bars Have Fox News On the Tee Vee”


President Obama was interviewed recently by Rolling Stone co-founder and publisher Jann Wenner. Among Obama’s gems was blaming Dem losses partly on the availability of Fox News in bars:

Obama goes to the weirdest bars

Obama to Rolling Stone on Dems failing to win working class: Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country

If only Fox News wasn’t playing in every bar around the country, ISIS would still be the JV Team and Global Warming would be fixed…

46 Comments on Obama On Dem Loss – “Too Many Bars Have Fox News On the Tee Vee”

  1. Maybe obaby should do interviews with magazines with actual readership. If there are any. But RS is being sued out of existence for their fake UVA gang rape story

    About obaby’s fake claim about what plays in bars, you can never hear what is on because of the din. Usually it’s ESPN anyway.

    The man is completely delusional. Really a mad man.

  2. The classic liberal excuse…It’s your fault! What a pussy crybaby!
    He’s what you get when the people closest to you kiss your ass and never tell you the truth. You begin to believe your shit doesn’t stink and you don’t need to hear any other view because your right!
    Well you do stink! But not as bad as your ideas.
    He is the President Snowflake!

  3. And what, Fox actually reported on HRC’s health, e-mail, pay-to-play, her empty rallies… and on Obama’s Iran deal, ransom, executive actions etc. Other than Hannity many on Fox were not Trump fans. Meghan, Bret B., Hume, Wallace etc. were not for Trump. I can’t even stand watching 90% of Fox programming. But the Bammer had to blame a bogey man because it certainly can’t be them, their failed policies and scandals people rejected thoroughly.

  4. Hillary rushing her perps in to recount ballots in Wisconsin. Where are the GOP supporters….filling useless suits to complain? Going on victory tour? We need boots on the ground in Wisconsin if we don’t want this to be Florida all over with the hanging chads. Who is rechecking the checkers?

  5. Too many airports have CNN on the Tee Vee. Spent time in 5 airports last month and every single airport had on CNN at the boarding gate. Actually I was gloating over the fact that the news people had to say that Trump won.

  6. Once again the HNIC is lying to the people of America. I have never been in a bar that had Fox news on the TV. The TVs are always tuned in to sports of some kind, the few times that news was on, it was the Clinton News Network (CNN).

    And how in the hell would the faggot know whats on TV in a bar anyway? The little prick is always on a golf course somewhere, and I cannot recall one report where he visited a bar in the past 8 years.

    1/20/17 can’t come fast enough.

  7. Don’t forget he also had ValJar fluffing him up day and night. She would kiss his boo boo or butt and tell him how wonderfully supreme he is. We should let them share a prison cell in general population at Rykers for life. No on second thought, move her three cells down so she has to yell her asskissing louder, and make the bubbas hate them both more and more.

  8. And none of these beer-swilling working-class “folks” have cable or internet that can access any other news outlet. It’s the same old response, EVERY time: “we just didn’t get our message out.” Yeah, that’s it.

  9. WOW, I’m sure that there are more StarF*cks, “day spas”, and hipster WiFi bars/cafes in the nation broadcasting the alphabet soup of lamestream media outlets than there are working class bars with Fox on the TV.
    What’s the excuse for not winning with them president ZERO?

  10. Wow, I’m surprised that any of those bar’s patrons could reach up and turn FoxNews on what with them clinging to their guns and bibles. Obama is truly a Democrat, he fails on just about everything then blames it on others. Well as long as the Democrat Party fails to learn from this defeat then any progress Trump makes will just be magnified in the minds of voters especially when the shrill voices of Pelosi, Schumer and Obama rise to condemn the success.

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