Obama trying pretty hard to explain away his economic record – IOTW Report

Obama trying pretty hard to explain away his economic record

CainTV: But he forgets to mention a few things.

One thing political reporters are forever doing to annoy me is ascribing motives to things politicians do. If this or that president talks about his record on something, it’s because he’s got his “eye on his legacy” or whatever. You don’t know that and neither do I, unless the president says so himself.

All you know is what he said. And when Barack Obama presents his economic record as some sort of positive achievement, it doesn’t matter what motivated him to do so. The only thing that matters is whether his statements present an accurate picture of what actually happened as a result of his policies. Do they? Obama spokesman Josh Earnest tried to make the case during a visit to Elkhart, Indiana: more

9 Comments on Obama trying pretty hard to explain away his economic record

  1. He said, “Normal people may not know all the pertinent facts but the media helps politicians hide the severity of the problem. But they know something ain’t right.

    “Normal people”???? Hmmm, there’s not 1 person I talk with who doesn’t know for a fact that this economy is fucked. And that includes my creepy REgressive sister who voted for Obama/Jarrett twice. Both her and her creepy retired academe husband are scared to death their pensions will be taken over by the government.

    The GD condescension heaped on us “normal people” never stops.

    AllI can say is I sure am glad I moved to Texas as I’m swamped with work and it sure as hell wasn’t that way in CO.

  2. I can prove that the economy sucks with just one statistic: For the past two years in a row, my court filed 33,000+ petitions, making it the second-busiest trial court in the United States of America.

    New York City Family Court (which is comprised of my court and four others, one in each county), serves a disproportionately poor population. Its client families are extremely susceptible to even small changes in the broader economy.

    In a bad economy, family breakup occurs more frequently. Child support becomes more of an issue. Domestic violence increases. Since all these matters are Family Court issues, the number of filings will increase. The opposite is true in an improved economy.

    I began my job in Family Court during Michael Bloomberg’s second term, so I’ve seen filings at both sky-high and lower levels. I can tell you this: I’ve never seen anything like what’s going on now. I come home from work exhausted EVERY night. 2016 is gonna be another record-breaker, I’m sure.

  3. If he’s like I suspect, a Communist operative with a scrubbed record with an Iranian handler charged with breaking the economy so progressive agendas can become institutionalized in the chaos he creates, then; why yes, I’d say he has a pretty good record

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