The media tried to draw Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke into the ongoing scandal over officials flying private jets, but they neglected to check if his President Barack Obama-era predecessor did the same.

Former Interior Secretary Sally Jewell chartered at least three private flights during her time in office, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. Those trips cost taxpayers $35,840.
Information on Jewell’s flights were left out of The Washington Post’s article on Zinke’s chartering of a private jet to fly from Las Vegas to Kalispell, Montana, which is near his home.
Reports recently surfaced that Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price billed taxpayers for $400,000 in chartered flights. Reporters have also found Zinke and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt chartered private flights as well.
Zinke billed taxpayers $12,375 for the flight, which he boarded after addressing a hockey team owned by a former campaign donor, WaPo reported. The jet he flew in is owned by oil and gas executives, but was chartered through the company Choice Aviation LLC.
However, WaPo’s story left out some key facts about Zinke’s private jet flight, including the fact the charter company had been under contract with the Interior Department since 2014 when Jewell headed the agency.
Politico reported those details as well, noting Zinke had used a private jet or relied on military aircraft during at least four trips.
Neither Politico nor WaPo seemed interested in whether or not Zinke’s travel was unprecedented. It’s not. more here
0bama gets the game going and the left gets pissed when use the ball? Typical. He could have canceled the contract the day he left office.
Stealing from taxpayers is a way of life for “professional politicians” or arseholes, take which ever you want.
Thank you.
Commented under the sec hhs post Tom price. Same applies here.
Now media is in a dither about govt spending?
When did that start? Oh that’s right Jan 20 2017.
Fuck off media and shame on Trump for falling for it.
I will remind everyone that Attorney General Loretta lynch was in a private plane in Arizona when bill Clinton happened into the same airport and they held a private meeting. A meeting that media have paid little interest in.
I am sorry but my bullshit flag is waving uncontrollably.
It doesn’t matter what “they’ did. That is not who “we” are. Price is an asshole. Phuck him.
Nancy Pelosi uses Air Force transport to go home. I would like to see the list of congressional members who use private transportation or Military transport. I know they go on overseas junkets (family and all) on taxpayer funds.
Obama’s even used seperate military transport to take their dogs on vacation.
If there is to be an inquiry, open it to include all freeloaders.
Why isn’t there A set protocol for Govt. travel?
When I start at a company it is always spelled out.
Everyone in the Trump administration needs to know two things:
The MSM is NOT your friend, they want you DEAD.
What the democrats get by with, you don’t get a SMIDGEN!
Hey, it was a democrap so, no harm no foul./s
Interior Secretary: that’s Obama’s pet name for Reggie.
He’…I mean she’s perrty.