Obama’s Internet Surrender- Why it’s bad and unConstitutional – IOTW Report

Obama’s Internet Surrender- Why it’s bad and unConstitutional

If Obama gives away ICANN, the UN, China or Russia will control it with an iron fist.

23 Comments on Obama’s Internet Surrender- Why it’s bad and unConstitutional

  1. It can be delayed beyond the end of his term, if the right persons or entities step up to the plate. The lawsuit would eventually find it self in front of SCOTU, but that will take a while.

    26 states weregranted an injunction concerning an Obama exectuive order on immigration. ITs heading to SCOTUS. HEre’s an outline of that case which shows the timeline it went through. His internet giveaway should be able to be delayed, at least, until he’s out.

    “The Supreme Court has agreed to take up the lawsuit over President Obama’s 2014 executive actions on immigration, which would allow millions of unauthorized immigrants to apply for protection from deportation.

    The court will hear and decide on the case, United States v. Texas, by summer 2016.
    26 states sued the federal government to stop the executive actions. A federal judge in Texas sided with the states in February 2015, and the Fifth Circuit upheld the ruling in November 2015.

    So far, the case has only been about whether the administration can start implementing the programs until the court makes a permanent decision. But now, the Supreme Court will be taking up the question directly: are the administration’s executive actions constitutional or not?”

  2. Treason? I’m not so sure. Stupid and dangerous? No doubt. Should this asshole be rendered impotent? Absofuckinlutly. Do we have a congress up to the task? Ya gotta be fucking kidding me.

  3. There’s an Internet II, totally controllable by the federal government. When the Web you know and love now is under restrictive foreign control, Americans will clamor to switch to Internet II. Censored & Monitored. “Love my Smart Home!”

    When ObamaCare collapses, everyone will clamor for Government-run Single-Payer HealthCare.

    Are you people awake enough to see the planned pattern?

    Banking, Farming, Travel, Energy, Water, you will no longer have to bother with personal decisions. “Life Is Good!”

  4. I emailed my congressperson, McMorris-Rogers and guess what?? I got NOTHING in return…crickets….

    I can’t wait until the interwebtubes start having blackouts, searches are truncated, service slows to a crawl, etc. and the little globalist shitbirds start wailing like spoiled brats.

    But don’t forget, we can’t shut down the government.

  5. As a guy who has built stuff, the sad thing is Trump will have to undo the shitty work laid before him by this asshole president.
    If it were me, I would have a tent set up on the White House lawn. Set up with heaters, and plenty of room for the Press. I would have Lincoln’s desk brought out.
    And before I set foot in the White House I would spend all damn day outside in that tent signing executive orders negating everything that Shit-for-brains did in his entire two terms.

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