Obama’s Priorities – IOTW Report

Obama’s Priorities

While Putin was busy carving up Ukraine and slicing off the Crimea, Obama occupied himself with meaningless statements followed by happy hour with the Democratic National Committee.

Read the story here


He likes a good glass of Weakling Bitter Fail.  

18 Comments on Obama’s Priorities

  1. Aaron

    My guess is that you won’t have to wonder too long.

    The Northern Italians have a descriptive term, piscia fredda, which literally translated means “cold piss”, that applies particularly well to this President.

    Think “wet pant leg” and you get the gist.

    This feckless turd is writing checks with his big purple yapper that the rest of us will have to back, as usual.

    But my sense is that Barry thinks he’s dealing with a commie fellow traveler, not a card carrying, America-hating KGB stalwart.

    Barry doesn’t remember the Cold War or the old USSR.

    He was always stoned back then.

  2. @Chief –

    “…But my sense is that Barry thinks he’s dealing with a commie fellow traveler, not a card carrying, America-hating KGB stalwart…”

    I think you might have it right. The empty suit, light weight mouth piece will get his nuts (if he has any) handed to him by Putin.

    He – AND his administration – are so out of their league in playing with the KGB, that there is no telling what danger his sophomoric intelligence will get us into. My God, he has single-handedly destabilized the entire Middle East.

    I wish I knew who exactly was giving him his marching orders.

  3. Wonderw’O’man is busy pleasuring himself turning around and around while Iran cranks up the nuke force, with help from Kim Jong Un. Russia happily dances in South America, Iran, and Turkey, that just past a law placing the courts and snooping abilities under the thumb of its PM. Meanwhile, Wonderw’O’man “stands” with the international community that is laughing at him, but what does he care. He’s getting his until the card is maxed out, or voters wake up. IMPEACH!!!!

  4. I think he is scared shitless. His ideology is crumbling around him with the Ocare disaster, and his ass-licking foreign policy approach is teaching him that the world is a big bad place.

  5. Give the guy a break, fer Pete’s sake. He had a lot of stuff on his plate.

    Like running around the White House with Joe Biden. Biden almost blurted out something stupid for the cameras. Good thing Obama was there to shut him up.

  6. Time out. Just got done listening to a progf*ck. Her take?

    “None of this affects us. If Dumbya’ was still in office he’d invade Brazil in retaliation.”

    So as you can see…we’re pretty screwed as a nation.

  7. Barky’s been saying, all along, “Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.”

    I think he’s about to switch to, “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

    I hope that’s followed by, “I’m fucked. I’m fucked. I’m fucked”

    At which time, he’ll realize whatever his goal has been simply ain’t gonna happen, have a “nervous breakdown” and go into seclusion on an Indonesian tropical island.

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