Obama’s scary interview. – IOTW Report

Obama’s scary interview.

On the eve of the Netanyahu visit to Washington, President Obama gave a lengthy interview to Jeffrey Goldberg that shows a chief executive who has learned next to nothing about the world in his five years in office.
First, kudos to Goldberg: he pressed Obama repeatedly, challenging vague formulations and seeking clarity. Goldberg pushed Obama hard, especially on Iran and Syria.
Obama isn’t good off the cuff, especially when challenged; he is far better with a prepared speech. And what emerged is an awful portrait of the president and his conception of the world.
Take Syria. Here’s what Obama said:

Story here

Interview here

18 Comments on Obama’s scary interview.

  1. The whole interview was extremely frightening especially the first part where he is talking about Syria. It is not so much what his plans were or are-it is how he so nonchalantly blows off the “experts” because he is so much smarter. Solopistic-perfect word to describe him.

  2. That you’re not the Messiah. Sooner or later (hopefully soon) God’s going to take Barry down a few pegs for his insolence. And I’m praying that America will not be a victim as well and that I will not gloat when his downfall happens. It’s going to be extremely hard not to gloat over his impending downfall. Where are the prophets to get into Barry’s face and call him out for his arrogance and hubris?

  3. Obama kinda sorta just like all the crazy dictators from the past, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini. etc. Although I believe his narcissism and ego are at a much higher level than any other human in history.

  4. By James Corum- Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserve (rtd)

    Unfortunately, Obama has surrounded himself with a crowd of Chicago machine politicians who know a lot about winning elections, and playing to labour unions and Democratic Party interest groups. But he has no one in his inner circle with a proper understanding of foreign and defence policy. Even if he had good advisors, it is unlikely that he would follow sound advice. Obama studied political science at Colombia and has the Ivy Leaguer arrogance about his knowledge of world affairs. He knows for sure that he is the smartest person in any room he enters.


  5. Whose time is The O’ talking about? Before ’09, he was picking on one state and people solely: Israel. Throw it back at him and all the leftist Jews, riding atop the tanks, with a picture of dear Helen Thomas, burning in Hell, pointing out the unworthy Jews for persecution. This country will continue to slide. Watch out along the FDR Expressway cause Obama is marching to perdition.

  6. AA empty suits deprived of their only weapon; shouting RACISM!, are indeed scary when in positions of power.

    What’s even scarier? More than half this nation wants him there.

  7. He kept using the phrase “we have a high degree of confidence” in describing their alleged plans and I thought that would be the perfect epitaph for this administration.

    They have nothing to express confidence over. Nothing they’ve ever done justifies confidence.

    Always wrong. Never in doubt.

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