Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought – IOTW Report

Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

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When not harassing reporters, Obama officials refused to cooperate with them, racking up the worse record for fulfilling FOIA of any previous administration. Obama even routinely banned news photographers from official events so he could keep an iron grip on his image. Michelle Obama banned the press from her taxpayer-paid China visit.

Also around this time, the Federal Communications Commission announced plans to investigate whether newsrooms were meeting their communities’ “critical information needs.”

On Obama’s watch, the U.S. ranking for press freedom dropped to 46th place.

Yet, despite the occasional grumbling by an editor or a reporter here or there, most of these attacks went unnoticed. Whenever Obama spoke to the press, he pretended to be their champions. And the press, in turn, acted like teenagers in love rather than professionals threatened by a paranoid control freak.

In fact, when reporters tried to complain about Obama’s treatment, the reporters themselves often got attacked.

The Baltimore Sun’s David Zurawik wrote in 2014 that “I have been comparing Obama to Nixon in his disdain for the First Amendment and a free press since 2009, and mainly all I got was attacked — often from long-time colleagues in the media who couldn’t believe the object of their political affection could have such contempt for them.”

So why has the press saved all its ire for Trump, who has — despite his words — been far friendlier to the press in his deeds than Obama? One can only speculate.


15 Comments on Obama’s Spying On The Press Was Far More Extensive Than Previously Thought

  1. You might be aware that recently a Communist Chinese television news reader launched a personal attack on Fox Business talking head, Trish Regan, for airing a series of editorials about China’s theft of intellectual property and other trade issues. In her Chinese Gov’t-approved reprimand, she said that Regan was “spitting fire from her eyes” and that Regan was telling lies about Chinese trade with the U.S. and other countries.

    And, you know, at that moment it became crystal clear to me that there is not one dime’s worth of difference between China’s communist “approved” lockstep message and the likes of every single broadcast and cable news outlet on U.S. television. With the one exception of editorial shows on FNC or Fox Business, every single one of them is exactly like a state run, despotic propaganda organ. So, for the so-called media to lament the loss of a “free press” is probably the most ridiculous thing imaginable.

  2. …I saw this all the time on the life squad. It’s Battered Wife Syndrome. Very common for an abused spouse to believe the abuse is a sign of affection, and even physically attack someone who tries to rescue them from it.

    …I’d say it’s a bit of Helsinki Syndrome as well, but I never saw anything to indicate they weren’t WILLING participants in the “Obama’s” kidnapping of the Nation…

  3. More proof that the Øbamboozler wuz Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, healthcare-destroying, Al-Qaeda appeasing, Christian-Snubbing, Deserter-Honoring, ISIS-Supporting, Iran-Funding, Jihad-Coddling, malicious, petty, phoney-baloney, bitch-slapped, insecure, paranoid, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, duplicitous Liar, Kommunist Kenyan Kremepuff and Marxist Muzlim Mallard (not to mention maladroit, plastic banana republic, Manchurian Douche-nozzle)!

    And AbigailAdams you are right on the money, or I should say Yuan! I’ve listened to their propaganda on Shortwave and now they are expanding their radio footprint with stations in the US… as front stations for China – very sketchy and may well be violating US law.

    It would not surprise me one bit if they were helping to fund CNN either as well as the Bought & Paid For Knee-Pad “News” media cuz as AA sez: there is not one dime’s worth of difference between China’s communist “approved” lockstep message and the likes of every single broadcast and cable news outlet on U.S. television. Bingo!

  4. The ONLY thing I EVER want to hear from that creature is his whimper when they pull the hood over his head just before he is hanged for treason or spying and sabotage, whichever is more appropriate.


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