Obamawald – IOTW Report


They say Obama is gunning for Trump. He’s the leader of the resistance. Their mission is to “assassinate” him, remove him from office by hook or crook.

Obama is horrified that his fundamental transformation, AKA destruction, of America is being reversed, and Trump must be destroyed.

34 Comments on Obamawald

  1. I would out every link to Barry and show the world this bitter punk for what he is.
    President Trump just needs to tell it like it is.
    Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
    I would think the remaining ex presidents would call Barry and tell him to knock it off.
    I think Mr. Constitutional Professor ought to read up on Sedition laws before he goes too far down this road.

  2. don’t panic !

    jarret moved into the new obama house in dc to once again direct barrocks actions with her hand up his ass.

    his and her track record being what it is, I can see nothing but failure with this effort too.

    barrock should be careful what he wishes for, erasing his record would be a kindness actually.

  3. Advocating assassination of a sitting President is considered a Federal Crime of the highest order. Arrest the cream puff and throw him in women’s prison. That should scrunch up his panties into a wad.

  4. This is a very real threat. As we all know Obama was an extremely shitty president BUT he was supposedly an effective community organizer. Do not expect him to make the same amateurish mistakes that he made while president doing what he knows best which is ginning up the leftists, race baiting, exhorting businesses for money, smearing rivals, hindering true reform and stealing elections.

  5. Poor Lazlo MARCH 2, 2017 AT 3:06 PM “I would think the remaining ex presidents would call Barry and tell him to knock it off.”
    You’re kidding right? Bush1? Clinton? Carter? Bush 2?

  6. what are they trying to accomplish by all this trump bashing? they lost-we have a new president. I have never seen this type of hate for any president in all my life and I have lived to see many- many presidents elected. This is a disgrace to our way of life…..

  7. @i own everything else,
    what a DEPRESSING list of living ex-Presidents! It’s clear proof of how we got into the cesspool we’re in today.
    May God grant President Trump continued good health and herculean stamina!

  8. It’s past time for President Trump and/or the Department of Justice to put the hammer down on this traitor. And don’t stop with obama. holderclintonjarrett and all their friends and co-conspirators need to be aggressively pursued for all of their illegal actions.

  9. Hillary has not been prosecuted, nor Corzine, nor Obama etc etc so they know that Sedition is not a worry…McCain and Graham will lead the mob soon that destroys Trump and we will be force fed by the Media to revel in the justice…your grandchildren will suffer because they will not be stopped.

  10. i own everything else, no I am not kidding.
    Those Bastards should have some damn respect for their own former office.
    What Barry is up to is vile.
    Those entrusted with the office should protect it’s legacy
    Harry Truman would get all up in his grill
    Andrew Jackson would cane his ass

  11. Hey NSA! We need to start seeing some interesting leaks about Obama and his school grades, student travel/status, scholarships, affiliations, bath house visits, etc. This can work both ways.

  12. Eventually we’ll find out who hussein obama really is, and also what he has done. Some of it is coming out now, slowly, and eventually it will get to the greater public. He’s just reinforcing his bad image- his legacy is garbage already, and more revelation is on the way.
    By Jerome Corsi: Lawsuit: Obama Robbed Private Investors to Fund Obamacare (Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae).
    He’s trying to get in front of what is going to come out. I hope he gets run over by it.

  13. President Trump should unseal all the Øbamboozler’s stinking records and expose this dirty Shitpickle to the world for what he really is along with telling the truth about all of his Commie associates. Let the people see and judge for themselves what a miserable, little, divisionist, “God-Damn America”-hating, maladroit, narcissistic, corrupt, Gay-obsessed, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, “flexible”, phoney-baloney plastic banana Manchurian doorknob he really is!!

  14. imagine that some of the secret service assigned to obama are loyal patriots, and may be reporting everything they see to the WH.

    Trump is way ahead of these bastards. They probably just thought of this manuever back in November, Trumps known they would do this since June 2015 when he announced.

  15. Not that I’m ever advocating such a thing, but if I read tomorrow that a certain scumbag ex-president got his brains splattered on the sidewalk, I wouldn’t feel an iota of sadness about it.

  16. I don’t want any harm to befall the ex-president (I think he should always be called that) – I want him to live a very long time so he’s continually confronted with all his failures. To have him die of anything but old age would only make him a martyr. I have to admit I wouldn’t be sorry if he suffered painful burning hemorrhoids the rest of his life. Or maybe leprosy. Or ALS. Or Proteus Syndrome. Or…

  17. Valerie Jarrett moving into his home in Washington just proves that she was the decision maker all along. I bet he deferred to her judgement for the last 8 years. She was the one running the White House. He was just a golf playing, bracket filling figurehead.

  18. “Does POTUS have the power to unseal Obama’s passport, and other, records? If so, go for it.”

    Hussein’s passport details were ‘probably’ wiped during his first run for office. John Brennan (CIA head), at that time employed by Analysis Corporation of McLean, Va., had two employees access hussein’s passport records. They were probably ‘sanitized.’ The evolution of news reports of that is very interesting. (The previous ‘russians/squirrel’ ploy).
    I’d like to see everything that can be found on the delinquent.

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