Oklahoma: Devout Muslim Who Beheaded Colleen Hufford At Food Plant Gets Death Penalty – IOTW Report

Oklahoma: Devout Muslim Who Beheaded Colleen Hufford At Food Plant Gets Death Penalty

Geller Report:

This case is all about Islam from beginning to end. Alton Nolen, who beheaded co-worker Colleen Hufford at the Vaughn food processing plant with a large knife, testified most matter-of-factly that he was neither radicalized or recruited or influenced by anyone or anything other than the Quran.

Colleen Hufford

Nolen carefully explained his interpretation of the Quran and said no one guided him in the religion and that he came his beliefs on his own.

“If you’re not Muslim, you’re not on my side.”

He also told investigators he did not regret what he did at all and that he would have beheaded a second co-worker if he hadn’t been shot by the former owner of the plant, Mark Vaughan. He called Hufford a “slave to the devil” and described himself as a “slave to Allah,” stating “You know the Muslim is somebody who submits their will to Allah…Whatever he wants done, that’s what we do…And you know he wants us to get the oppressors out of this place.”

When asked if he felt remorse or regret for his actions, Nolen responded “no.”  More here

23 Comments on Oklahoma: Devout Muslim Who Beheaded Colleen Hufford At Food Plant Gets Death Penalty

  1. He will meet his god (Satan, Belial, Bel, Baal, Mephistopheles, Devil, Lucifer, Allah, whatever he calls him) and will probably be shocked at the revelation.
    He will plunge into Hell with the raucous shrieking guffaws of the demons bursting his ears, thinking to himself: “What the fu …?”

    No onion will be proffered his fetid soul.
    Only an eternity of suffering and confusion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They might actually get around to executing the sentence in 15 or 20 years.

    Unless Sharia is in place by then.

    It’ll probably establish itself as “Equal but Separate” with US Civil law.

  3. Wait for dingdong liberal activist Judge to claim here that
    1. he believes the perp didn’t really intend this, and that
    2. islum is a religion of peace, and
    3. kumbaya, and
    4. ‘it’s not who we are’, and
    5. ‘the death penalty costs society more than incarceration’, and
    6. etc

  4. Doesn’t the Quran specifically state that women and children are not to be harmed? If this murderer really believed that the Allah (presumably through his interpretation of the Quran) ordered him to kill this innocent maybe having an Iman visit to tell him he fucked up bad and that when he dies it’s going to be hell for him would be the thing to do while he’s waiting for the needle.

  5. The only morality taught in the Koran is what they are instructed to do.

    There is no debate. Doing it is moral, not doing it is immoral.

    And you want more of these people in your country pooping out kids on your tax dollar?


  6. WHY in the hell wasn’t this all over the news 24/7? It would be if he was Christian. Oh yeah. obama voter. Proved Trump was right again. The President should be tweeting this every time muslim immigration is brought up.

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