Omaha bar owner who shot, killed protester won’t face charges, county attorney says – IOTW Report

Omaha bar owner who shot, killed protester won’t face charges, county attorney says


A white Omaha bar owner who shot and killed a black protester over the weekend will not be facing charges after prosecutors determined he had acted in self-defense, a county attorney said Monday.

Douglas County Attorney Donald Kleine, speaking during a press conference, said the actions of the bar owner, Jake Gardner, “were justified.” more

12 Comments on Omaha bar owner who shot, killed protester won’t face charges, county attorney says

  1. He didn’t shoot a protester, he shot a thug who was in the act of assaulting him. Only in a total shithole would someone be charged for defending themself from felony assault

  2. …good ruling, but they can’t protect him. Look for his bar to be burnt down, his family to be doxxed, and himself murdered.

    …and they’ll blame Trump and White Nationalism, think the COVID thing is basically done, this is the NEXT boogeyman and it’s working like a TREAT…

  3. JDHasty
    JUNE 2, 2020 AT 9:44 PM
    “Only in a total shithole would someone be charged for defending themself from felony assault”

    …welcome to America 2020. More and worse to come as Democrats coninue the takeover…

  4. The county prosecutor won’t prosecute him. But some state prosecutor or federal prosecutor will.

    It is the way of self-defense shootings. Called as self defense, no charges, then 3-6 months down the road here come the charges, lots of charges, criminal and civil.

  5. Ahmaude Arbery seems like ten years ago. I think he was supposed to be a potential flashpoint to the attacks, but his case was too stale and sketchy to get legs outside Georgia. Also, the lockdowns inhibited. And then came the reopening, and Chauvin…

    I wonder how much unions are involved in riot logistics?

  6. Completely irresponsible news reporting. What difference does the skin color of either person make? The headline should have been Bar Owner Defends Himself Against Rioter or Rioter Killed While Assaulting Bar Owner. Both races are irrelevant. Would they have included them if the dead guy was a white Antifa activist?


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