Omar unintentionally says minorities are subpar – IOTW Report

Omar unintentionally says minorities are subpar

Ted Cruz nailed it.

If you call merit-based immigration “racist,” you are basically saying that minorities cannot compete in a merit-based system.


Ted Cruz, the son of Cuban immigrants, was among the first to torch Omar. He also slammed the Democratic Party, whose main talking point is that a merit-based immigration system is racist.

When you think about their objections, it’s clear that Dems are the real racists — because they’re saying certain minorities are too dumb and unskilled to make the cut.

Cruz tweeted: “As the son of a Cuban immigrant whose Dad came to get a math degree and become a computer programmer, I’m troubled that Dems seem to believe Hispanic immigrants can’t qualify for skills-based legal immigration. Bringing in more scientists, engineers and doctors is good for US jobs.”


9 Comments on Omar unintentionally says minorities are subpar

  1. …big deal. Democrats have been saying minorities and women aren’t the equal of White men for YEARS, and would not be able to compete if it weren’t for Affirmative Action and minority contractor set-asides, and (more recently) “Adversity Scoring…

  2. …Democrats ALSO tell us minorities are not capable of getting a FREE Government ID for voting purposes and can’t be expected to be smart enough to show up at the RIGHT polling place, either, and need a full MONTH to be able to early vote and no requirement absentee voting because they’re just…not…up to the task of showing up at a particular place on a particular day to vote for a particular person, according to Democrats…

  3. …and I don’t think Democrats implying that minorities are stupid is any more “unintentional” NOW than it was when they were saying it OPENLY while wearing their Klan robes…

  4. This is entirely consistent with the progressive philosophy in general. People that earn their standing on their own are not beholding to anyone, they are not bought like the illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city, or the affirmative action recipient at university, or the poor person that is the beneficiary of wealth redistribution. Those that get free stuff are beholden to the party that is for giving free stuff, it’s all about votes, nothing new here.

  5. Almost everything the “social justice” Democrats and other Leftists say in relation to minorities assumes that the minorities are inferior and can’t compete with the whites who they say are the racists in our country.

    They have even established legal principles based on this view of minorities, affirmative action laws and racial quota enforcing and court rulings being a well known example of them.

  6. “Minorities are equal, that’s why they need help with (insert name of affirmative action program here)” is self-contradictory. Most of the left can’t see it. The other part knows it, but doesn’t care because it’s an effective weapon. It makes people feel good about themselves to help the inferior minorities. Even if they would never admit they think minorities are inferior.


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