On Second Thought, Maybe We Should Bomb Japan Again – IOTW Report

On Second Thought, Maybe We Should Bomb Japan Again


Japan pledged more than $200 million in aid Saturday to help the Palestinian Authority, as representatives from 22 nations reiterated their support of the Palestinians’ quest for their own state.

The pledge was announced by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at the second Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development, held in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta.

Kishida said the first disbursement of the aid — about $62 million — was expected later this month.

Ministers and high-ranking officials from 22 countries and five international organizations participated in the one-day conference, which was jointly chaired by Indonesia, the Palestinian Authority and Japan.

The conference agreed to expand the number of participants and encourage greater engagement of civil societies in East Asia to assist the Palestinians.


11 Comments on On Second Thought, Maybe We Should Bomb Japan Again

  1. They have been looking for their own state for what, 5,000 years or so so far? If you can’t find it after searching that long, give that up and just pick a place you like, get rid of your bombs and plant some flowers, invite your neighbors over for a bar-b-que and get on with life. It’s easier than strapping bombs on your kids….give it a try.

  2. With Obama in the White House, Japan knows which way the wind is blowing. Terrified of China, Japan has nowhere to go but with China’s fascist allies.

    Taiwan’s days are numbered.

    Yeah, it was a good idea putting a psychopath in the White House.

  3. They’re trying to buy off the Islamofascists so they aren’t attacked… this is like leaving out hamburger for coyotes so they won’t eat your chickens.

  4. Israel should give the Palestinians their own state.
    Then, when the Palestinians do what the palestinians do (which is to indiscriminantly kill people), Israel can just wipe them off the face of the Earth. Turnabout is fair play, n’est pas?

    BTW. Palestine was never a state, and there are very few Palestinians in the “Palestinian refugee” population (even Arafat was Egyptian). It’s like Nashville. In four years there, I only met about ten people who were actually born in Nasville – and about twenty who weren’t Yankees.

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