On This Day in 1951 – Bill Veeck Sent a Midget To the Plate – IOTW Report

On This Day in 1951 – Bill Veeck Sent a Midget To the Plate

Wearing the uniform number 1/8, Eddie Gaedel walked on 4 pitches.


The 3’7″ Gaedel has a 6’3″ grand-nephew playing in the Padres system.


9 Comments on On This Day in 1951 – Bill Veeck Sent a Midget To the Plate

  1. Eddies number on his jersey was “1/8”.

    Bill Veeck was kind of famous for stunts to get crowds in the ballpark and this one caused quite a stir in the front office.

    American League president Will Harridge, saying Veeck was making a mockery of the game, voided Gaedel’s contract the next day. In response, Veeck threatened to request an official ruling on whether Yankees shortstop and reigning MVP Phil Rizzuto was a short ballplayer or a tall midget.

  2. Philip Roth wrote a hilarious novel about the major league line up during WWII when freaks and geeks replaced the players gone off to war called, humbly, The Great American Novel.

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