One Bedroom Hollywood Apartment, Comes With Roommate – IOTW Report

One Bedroom Hollywood Apartment, Comes With Roommate


The owner of a Hollywood apartment building kept his secret locked up inside a single bedroom unit for almost thirty years.  His lawyer finally got him to open the door on the apartment and what he finds inside is the stuff of California legend.




13 Comments on One Bedroom Hollywood Apartment, Comes With Roommate

  1. I obtained a 1954 Harley Davidson Servi-Car in 1984 and held onto it for around ten years, before I let it go. Needed the money to restore my 78 Shovel Head FLH, which I owned for 21 plus years. Now, it’s gone too. Easy come, easy go.

  2. I had a renter far in arrears in his rent. He paid what he could of his rent by signing the title of his 1976 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. If anyone cares to see it, it appears briefly in a soon to be released movie called Girl From Compton. It needs a good bit of work. I wish I could sell the darn thing.

  3. Back in the 70s, we removed the sliding patio doors of a friend’s house while they were on vacation and put his dad’s 1968 VW Beetle in the den. Yeah, we put down cardboard (the heavy stuff used to line box cars when loading carbon black containers). And no, he never did find out who did it, being that the pool of suspects was so large!

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