Only In Seattle: Sheriff urges off-duty deputies to carry their sidearms – IOTW Report

Only In Seattle: Sheriff urges off-duty deputies to carry their sidearms


In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, King County Sheriff John Urquhart is urging off-duty deputies to carry their sidearm, with extra magazines.

In a letter to officers, Urquhart said he believes the biggest threat to the greater Seattle area is a home-grown terrorist who decides to act unilaterally in support of ISIL.

“As they have in the past, ISIL released a video on Saturday, urging attacks anywhere, saying there are ‘weapons and cars available and targets ready to be hit.’ I believe this is the biggest threat to our area,” he said.

Urquhart said “of course we should all stay vigilant and ‘if you see something, say something,’ but after Paris, that doesn’t seem enough. Therefore my request.”

“With all that is going in the world, it is more important than ever to have the means to protect your family, the public, and yourself,” said Urquhart.


Every blue moon there is a sign of common sense in WA state. Kshama Sawant to protest it in 3-2-1…

16 Comments on Only In Seattle: Sheriff urges off-duty deputies to carry their sidearms

  1. “With all that is going in the world, it is more important than ever to have the means to protect your family, the public, and yourself,” said Urquhart.

    No thanks. Got it covered. This “Public” will protect himself and his family. Seems like a pretty exclusive club.Nothing worse than a Lib cop.

  2. Everywhere I ever policed, it was mandatory. I still feel obligated to be armed since I consider myself responsible for the safety of my family. That means I not only have to be able to protect them from harm, I have to be able to protect myself as well so that I can continue to be there for them.

    I don’t want to be too hard on him; I suppose that’s really sticking his neck out where he is, and I’m glad he’s doing it.

  3. As much as I like leo’s, they just can’t be there in the first 5 seconds that you really need them. However they will for sure be there shortly and draw a line around your body, pick up evidence and do an investigation.
    Not saying everyone needs too be armed, I know folks that I am glad they are not. If 15 or 20% of good Americans would take the time to learn Gun safety and have some skills in defence then be armed we would have a whole lot less heartbreaking story’s.
    I refuse to be a defenseless victim.

  4. And the flip side of that is LEO that put 200 rounds down range a year and then want to explain to you why the general public should not be armed. Freaken pisses me off. I shoot with a bunch of guys at least once a month and we work at being as good as possible and average at least 250 rounds with pistols a month. One of these guys is a POST certified trainer and he bitches about LEO too.

  5. There’s an old truism that states that the purpose of a pistol is to be able to fight your way back to your rifle. I like having my AR and several mags in my truck. I’m never, or at least very rarely, far from it. If things get really ugly like just happened in Paris, I’ll be damned glad to have it handy. If not, I had to store it somewhere anyway.

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