Open Thread- Questions and Answers – IOTW Report

Open Thread- Questions and Answers

I just received this email:

Have you ever considered holding an open thread in which members of the “family ” can ask each other questions about some topic? For example, I am a shooter and a reloader and I’d like to ask some of the “family” for their advice on reloading certain cartridges and firearms maintenance. Other topics would arise, I’m sure. -Forcibly Deranged (Formerly known as Really Enraged.)

So, the idea here is not an open thread where people drop links to stories (although that would be fine), the idea is for readers to communicate to one another on a wide variety of informational topics.

I like it.

We’ll keep it sticky when we do them.

238 Comments on Open Thread- Questions and Answers

  1. Do you all enjoy receiving greeting cards or would you rather have greeting cards through email/internecks?

    Also, store bought or hand made?

    I just wonder if I should keep sending people greeting cards. LOL
    I like getting them, but that’s me.

  2. Answering @MJA – Greeting cards in the mail or delivered on the ‘net are nice but inconsequential…unless accompanied by a personal note of some kind. It’s the message in the note that’s important and the means of delivery is of little significance. Email works just fine.

  3. Perfect…. I have been wondering what year it was that Big Fur Hat changed the site from iOTW to iOTWREPORT. Would be happy to hear from anyone in the family that remembers.

  4. Ansering @MJA again – I neglected to add that hand-crafted greeting cards fall into the category of personalized works of art (or at least crafts). Those are special, and the artwork itself, apart from the words, is a very important part of the message.

  5. i hand painted Christmas cards a few years back. Just simple watercolors. Never heard from anyone. i didnt think they were that bad. LOL

    i like cards with messages otherwise they are like the one i get from my dentist/broker/ins agent. They dont go on the mantle.

  6. Have you ever considered holding an open thread in which members of the “family ” can ask each other questions…….

    Absolutely…..Unfortunately, at this time I have forgotten the question and to ‘whom’ I would have asked it.

  7. MJA — Keep sending those cards!! In these days of getting nothing but junk in the mailbox (and bills) it’s quite an enjoyable surprise to receive a card with a personal note.

    (But I have made it easier to send them by keeping and updating my card list in a file to print out on peel-n-stick labels. Then with a return address sticker, it’s a whole lot faster and easier. I also do the mail sticker thing before I go on vacation so I can just peel and stick addresses labels to post cards. And it reinds me who I want to send to.)

  8. I began making my own greeting cards when Hallmark became hamstrung with political correctness. Their cards are just boring. I don’t do them often. But they’re pretty funny and well received.

  9. @MJA I’ve been designing our Xmas card every year for the past 20 years. Every Oct/Nov panic sets in as I figure out what the years theme/inspiration will be. Starting out, I got back almost as many as I sent. This year, I had 70 printed, and if I get 20 in return, I’ll be surprised. It’s an expense and some years I don’t want to do it but the older members of our family love getting it and look forward to it. I don’t want to let them down. The card list has expanded to self promos to art directors and such.

    With all that said, I love getting real cards in the mail! Its a nice tradition that I think is fading, sadly.

  10. How can Diane Feinstein be worth $74million on a salary of $175,000?

    Is the moon really made of cheese?

    Is “Q” real?

    Jim Beam, Jack Daniels or Maker’s Mark?

    I like this thread… I’m having more fun than Billy Jeff at a Orgy Island sleepover!

  11. Bad-boy-Brad

    Tuna is called CHICKEN of the sea. No “beef of the pasture”, because we have real chickens in the pasture already. And anyway, cows are warm and cute and furry mammals, like us humans.

    I can’t believe I’m giving an impromptu lecture on chicken of the sea…. someone please….stop me…. AAAARRRRGGGGH!

  12. I’ve got a gas grill with radiant heat panels as well as direct flame that does a great job of searing the outside of steaks. But I’m having trouble “calibrating” my sense of doneness. Does anybody have any pointers? Are there any nifty new gadgets that you can plug into the meat and then sing out “Medium Rare” or “Well Done” at exactly the right time?

    (I fear this question may overwhelm the thread – not my intention!)

  13. Is tomorrow the First Sunday in Advent or the First Day of Hanukkah?
    Let me check with Mohammad, have to get back to you on that. He’s a little busy now with young boys and camels. Lot of high’ fiving with him and the rabbis and priests right now. I’ll let you know,,,

  14. Uncle Al

    I picked up a Kamado Grill. Love the thing, but previously didn’t have anything that would get hot enough to sear steaks. I’m still playing with searing, but here’s what I’ve learned so far, you need a good meat thermometer. And you need to pull your meat off the grill before the thermometer reaches your desired internal temp. I did a Tri Tip last night flipping it 4 times at 2 minute intervals and it was pink. I was after red. But the point is even though the meat isn’t on very long it still continues to cook while it’s resting. Joe6Paks good with his meat. I mean Joe6Pak knows his way around a flame too.

  15. THE CLAW

    Of your 3 Makers’s. BTW did you know that the makers of Makers’s can not drink? True, I married 1 53 years ago. She gave up on getting me to stop drinkin years before we married, Thank God!

    Bullet no on you list but great. When I stop breathin I’ll stop drinkin!

  16. @uncle al….instant read thermometer or a cabled thermometer they use in BBQ contests. It all depends on the cut of beef and it’s thickness.
    A better resolution is to use a cast iron pan with butter and garlic or sear them really hot and then finish them in the oven at about 300 degrees….it’s all about the temperature. Get an internal temperature of about 110 or 125 F and then tent them with foil because they will gain 10 degrees while resting….130F is medium rare and that’s where I like them. Red not blue or pink
    PLUS, the cast iron pan lets you have the ability to make a festive pan sauce….not steak sauce, a pan sauce, mushrooms, butter, shallots, red wine….the imagination runs wild….My advice would be to use some cast iron on your grill and explore the possibilities….

  17. Al, my secret to getting my meat just right (thanks Brad) I mean steaks, is to get the steaks thick enough so you have time for 1-2 adult beverages while you’re grilling. I have a couple grills and if I’m grilling a steak (like tonight) for just my wife and I, I use a Weber, I start off indirect, low heat, get some good smoke to it, then move the steak directly over the coals to finish with a good sear. If you don’t have a thick enough steak it will end up over done. Another good reason to get a thick steak. 1 1/2” to 2” seems to work well for me. I should get a good meat thermometer but I haven’t yet.

  18. @ uncle Al…a lot of cooking shows will tell you to get the steaks to room temperature but that’s counter intuitive. Keep them in the fridge and that coldness will help the center cook slower while the fantastic crust develops…..salt, pepper, granulated garlic….that’s it

  19. MJA – re: cards

    I don’t send, so I don’t expect any.

    I’d get pissed after getting a card from a long ago ‘friend’ that only had their name inside…nothing personal, just assembly line stuff.

    I also have a family of relatives, Catholics-large family, that sends a letter detailing what they and their Johnny, Susie, etc had done. Blah, blah..

    Then I’d get letters from Johnny, Susie etc telling me what they were doing and had done….blah…blah.

    Never do they ask how I’m doing….now, i just toss them unopened when i get them.

    I’m not interested in braggarts.

    I just call or get calls on Christmas Eve or Day with my family far away.

  20. MJA
    Postage now 50 cents a stamp.
    $10 for a book of 20 stamps that was only 60 cents at 3 cents each.
    Stamps cost more than the cheap boxed cards.
    Just get the few cards and dispose of them.
    Likely, that’s what other people do if I send them cards.
    What’s the point of it?
    Lots of people don’t even send email as all their “friends” on socialized networks already know everything about each other as they share their lives with the world.

  21. @ uncle Al…another trick is to put a false aging process on the steaks…Dry them good, put a light dose of salt on them and put them back in the fridge on an elevated rack…. 4 to 24 hours and NO more.
    I’ve been researching and experimenting with these things for 20 years. NOW….ask me about my bloody mary research. That’s been perfected!…LOL….

  22. MJA, I love cards. My kids will hate me for this someday, but I have every card I’ve ever received since high school. I enjoy going through them every year or so and seeing the sweet messages some of my dearly-loved and long-gone friends and relatives sent me. Makes me feel closer to them just holding it in my hand and seeing their handwriting. My husband sends me Blue Mountain e-mail cards, which are nice, but nothing compares to a hand-written note in a card.

  23. @ Brad….ABSOLUTLEY NO RUBS on a good ribeye or NY strip….I’m good with other cuts like tri-tips….A1 steak sauce and others have their purpose. Covering up bad meat loaf….

  24. I love getting greetings cards, letters, etc, in the mail. I used to have several long-time pen pals and we wrote fantabulous letters. Unfortunately I lost a giant box of letters when I had some stuff in storage and it was all stolen. Later the letter writing slowed down, but just recently I contacted a pen pal who quickly wrote back to say how happy she was to hear from me.

    This co-incides with a new hobby I’m starting involving “altered books” or “altered books scrapbooks.” It involves scrap items like lace, buttons and even castaway locks (anything you want, really) and skills you utilized in second grade (cutting pics from magazines, stenciling, gluing fun stuff in and drawing), but it’s really fun and makes also for great letters.

    As for the actual asked question, I prefer real stuff in the mail because I’m such a child. Getting stuff in the real mail, real personal stuff is a thrill that never goes away, at least for me. My son is so a child of the electronic age but even he loves it too.

    Added Note: Oh yes and I’m also too cheap for Hallmark. Their cards are like $6.95 a pop and if I’m gonna spend that much I’d rather it be something nice instead of politically correct, regurgitated crap.

  25. You know what else a guy needs for cooking steaks is one of those Ruth’s Chris broilers that come up to temp at 1800 degrees. You would only have time for one quick beverage if you were using one of those.

  26. Thanks all for the meat cooking pointers. One of the complications I have is that I like my steaks medium rare at most, and Mrs. Uncle likes them at least medium. But since I eat a lot more than she does, perhaps my solution is to get one nice thick “steakhouse cut” for myself and a normal thickness steak for her.

    I get a nicely seared surface with my grill cranked all the way up, so although the cast iron technique sounds good, I don’t really have an incentive to try it. I’ll look for an instant-read thermometer that’s easier to read than the cheap-o I have now and give that a try.

    Thanks again!

  27. @ an ol exJarhead:

    Bulleit not on your list but great. When I stop breathin I’ll stop drinkin!

    Good choice, oxJ! I’ve come to prefer a good rye whiskey over bourbon (a little less sweet) and the Bulleit Rye is the perfect one for me. My taste buds are not so highly “educated” that the really expensive stuff is worth the money to me, and Bulleit tastes great to me and doesn’t break the bank at about $45 for a big 1.75 liter bottle.

    BTW, when I’m sippin’ bourbon, it’s a toss-up between Dickel and Bulleit. Both are very nice and not ridiculously priced.

  28. Does anyone or their spouse keep a scorecard for Christmas cards? Three years in a row without receiving one you’re dropped from the list. Our 100 plus list is under 50 now.

  29. holster guys, you know if anyone makes one that fits an MP Shield 9 correctly WITH the Crimson Trace installed? I’m using a generic Targa sleeve for my carry weapon, but I always feel like it’ll pop out if I have to bend over or squat the wrong way…

  30. The store bought bourbons, whiskies, vodkas and other such assorted preferences all have their place but it’s presumptuous to assume a delectable homemade adult beverage doesn’t reign supreme.

  31. …your question must not be correct, @lisl, because the Universe has not been instantaneously removed and replaced with something even MORE inexplicable, according to Douglass Addams.

    …unless it HAS been, just now…

  32. Sometimes we send cards even after Christmas during the week or two following, but always with a note or some sort. No pressure! And don’t do it every year. Just signing a name is not good. I’m not too crazy about the big form letters but at least its something to read. But I do not send them.

  33. …only if you get it from someone who left BEFORE the final computation is complete, @uncle al, since even the mice thought it might be a corruption of the Question…

    …and as I said to @lisl, the Universe is still here, so must not be right ENOUGH…

  34. @Supernightshade….If you really desire to know the answer, use a warp-speed inductor with fluted radial engagement blockers and modicum synthesizer modules. Any results that deviate from your expectations should be compounded by your desired prediction.

    If that doesn’t work….call me.

  35. @Illustr8r

    “the older members… I don’t want to let them down.”

    They’ve done their part. They’ll never accept new ways that we consider only tepidly. You’re here, and who you are, because of what they’ve done. So… don’t let them down.

  36. Will “a little dab” really do ya?

    Do hat wearing men go bald or do bald men just wear hats?

    Just about all of my male friends (one of two genders) wear hats and are going bald, but not hatless me.

  37. “what did you do to the world, @Supernightshade?”

    …not ME, lisl…YOU. maybe you DID get the Question right, and now our new, more inexplicable Universe has glass raindrops?

    …just don’t do it AGAIN, it might be fire next time. Or White Rabbit turds…

  38. @ .45-70, Brad and whoever else: What powder are you using in your 300 Blackout? What do you use in your .44-40 w/ 200 gr. bullet, if you shoot that round too? My .44-40 is a Uberti ’73 replica so I’m kinda careful w/ it. I’m trying to duplicate the old time factory velocities w/ smokeless. Just lookin’ for more info.

    Re: hosters, I use leather and Kydex, depending. Like ’em both, again depending.


  39. Anybody here sous vide?

    You want consistency, try it. The only trick is the sear and that needs to be fast and quick, otherwise you wreck it. Well, not entirely, it’s just more well done.

  40. Evan Williams, Dickel, Bulleit, Maker’s Mark all good.

    Pan fry Spencer steak in a cast-iron skillet. Don’t be shy, get it good and hot. Adjust time, not temperature.

    Rochester Q-jet is a superior carb. Spread bore, vacuum secondaries, and no power valves to blow. If it stumbles or doesn’t idle right, the shaft bushings might be leaking.
    Holleys are good if you would rather tinker than drive.
    If your AFB Carter starves when cornering or on rough roads, install spring-loaded float valves.
    I cannot recommend ThermoQuads.

  41. forcibly deranged

    I bow out to 45-70. I have no time to reload. I can tell you this. 300 Black Out traditionally use pistol powder. But, Hornady coming up with some killer hunting rounds and I believe that’s changing.

  42. Bourbon: Wellers is pretty good smooth stuff too, without breaking the bank -but then I’m cheap. I agree about Bulleit – and Buffalo Trace is pretty good too. Anyone else keep their bourbon or scotch in the freezer compartment of your fridge? The stuff pours out like a fine gun oil and explodes like a tactical nuke of flavor when it hits the warmth of your mouth.

    I never sipped a single malt I didn’t like but I think BaLvenie, the Macallan and Oban are my favorites. Pretty spendy though!

  43. joe6pak

    For a stainless 45 I would go Kydex. Leather is slow. Leather leaves dust deposits on your front site. A lot of this depends on your body type and lifestyle. I’m way to up and down to much to carry appendix. I assume you are too. BladeTech make a very fast holster for ITWB and one for out.
    Kydex will tear up a pretty blued gun. Ask me how I know.

  44. Lasers do have drawbacks, but I like the quick acquisition, and it’s NOT trigger activated so its optional. Interesting sights there, though. The stock dots on the M&Ps suck, particularly in low light, so maybe that is a better answer @bad brad, thanks.

  45. Supernightshade

    Dawson Front sight show up like a Laser. They are NOT night sights.

    Here’s a guy that nows his shit. I’ve always naturally shot this way while every trainer I run into want’s you to assume the freightened turtle stance. BUT THAT”S NOT YOUR NATURAL SIGHT PLANE. And you end up chasing your sight plane into the dirt.

  46. Comment re: holsters

    For my very personal preferences I have found the De Santis “The Nemesis” pocket holster to be ideal. I carry a Ruger LC9s Pro and it fits the holster just right. The package goes in the right slash pocket of my cargo shorts (and nothing else ever goes in there except my hand), and the extra extended mag on my left side in a narrow vertical pocket under a velcro flap.

    The Nemesis is neither leather nor kydex, and of course is suitable only for ultra-compact pocket pistols. Yeah, the LC9s is “only” 9mm but I carry Gold Dot 124 gr. +P so I figure I’ll get decent “stoppage” from a small package. Heck, a 74 year old lady killed a burglar a week or two ago with one shot to the head with her brand-new .22.

    Edit: Both the cargo shorts and the T-shirts come from Duluth Trading Co. which I swear by. Look for their sales and the prices aren’t that bad.

  47. Sticky Holsters work well in jackets and vests. Nemesis is good for back pocket, there was a guy who made a much better one from some sort of canvas but he quit doing it. Fits a Bodyguard and extra mag, looks just like a wallet. Leather equivalent was never as good.

  48. I’m seeing some very strange ads on this site…on the upper right…one called Future Gender showing two cretins lip locking….the one on the right looks like a half-human, half-goat mutant…another one called CA shows what looks like a screaming cross-dresser or transvestite…foul-looking people. A few weeks ago there was an ad for gay cruises…”a boatload of fun”. I don’t see this stuff on any other site that I visit.

  49. Forcibly deranged –

    Your Uberti ’73 should be fine, with whatever powder you feed it. It’s modern steel. I don’t reload pistol sized cartridges due to the such small volume of smokeless. As you work up a load, pay strict attention to the primer. If it pooches or gets deformed…STOP.
    If your load is, say, 12 grs…1 grain makes a big difference.

    I have an original Marlin 1881 that’s meant for black, but I don’t use as it’s a pain to clean black out of a lever action. So..I use Accurate 5744 in it as it fills the case, nicely…and gives me room to fiddle.

    Many people get caught up in the esoterica of reloading. I’m more interested in results on paper.

    I consult a manual to get max numbers, then drop way back to start. Load 3 rds, shoot….load 3 more +1 gr, shoot…load 3 more…well you get the idea. When you look at your targets you will see the pattern change and one will stand out. That’s your load that your gun likes.

    I go for long range accuracy, not the boom. If you are only shooting short distances that’s different.

    Guns are like women…they may look alike, but each one is different…you have to figure out what makes them happy.

    In closing, i used to reload .357…but one day i was shooting up a storm and was ripping them off very fast. About the 3rd or 4th shot it sounded funny. I looked and the bullet had not cleared the barrel. In that brief instant, if i had pulled the trigger again…well, a plugged barrel in a magnum would not be pretty.

    I don’t know your level of experience…so I’m sorry if you know all of this already, but this isn’t tiddlywinks.

  50. …here’s my last question.

    …how is it that a yellow sun makes green grass grow in a brown field that, when eaten by a black cow, produces white milk and yellow butter?

  51. .45-70

    “I consult a manual to get max numbers, then drop way back to start. Load 3 rds, shoot”

    That right there is some extremely intelligent advise. I don’t have time to reload, but I use to reload a lot.

  52. @old_oaks – Re: Sous Vide. Yes, New York Strip Steaks. Same results as you.

    Set to 130′, cooked for about 3 hours in airtight vacuum sealed bags.

    Seared on 550-600′ gas grill, about 1 minute each side. PROBLEM: When done, they were medium, just a hint of pink. I wanted medium rare.

    Possible SOLUTION (from researching, haven’t tried): Sear must be done on a much hotter grill (charcoal recommended) or preheated very hot cast iron skillet, for no more than 30 seconds.

  53. Remington BDL Sporter, Glass bed receiver, free float barrel, barrel and receiver cryoed. 55.8g H4831SC or Varget pushing 75g hornady. 1/2″ groups @ 100yd bench.
    Check out

  54. @ Brad and .45-70: Thanks, guys!! I’ve been reloading since the mid ’60s, so I follow the same drill you described – religiously. I shoot for group just as you described, then for velocity within acceptable group size. And, like you, watch the primers – none of which flatten in the loads I’m using. I was primarily interested in what you might know about various powders that are in current use for those rounds. I’ve never tried 5744 – maybe I should get a can I also shoot a Model’76 in 45-60 and use Re. 7 in it. Close to the same load I shoot in my .45-70 (at about 1650 fps) just reduced to about 1200 fps. I use 300 gr. gas checked bullets in both from a RCBS mold. Nice bullets and accurate, using wheel weights and a little linotype I still have from the old days.

    Again, many thanks! Good “talking” with you.

  55. Dan Ryan Galt –

    Good question. I’m bald now started losing it in my 30’s. My dad and his dad…the same. I wore caps to keep the sun off.

    Now my brother, who never wore a cap, has a head of hair, like my Mom.

    I pondered this a few times, but it didn’t cause me any angst. I am who I am…I’m okay with that.

  56. I used to have an old guy over to my house who wouldn’t eat medium rare or medium steaks because there “was Blood” coming out…..It wasn’t blood, it was just meat juice. I cooked him a steak “well done” like boot leather and he bitched about that. Finally, I showed him the meat thermometer which said his steak was 140F but was still kind of pink inside and juicy. He was an old dirt track racer so he understood the tech…..

    @Jethro, Ed is still alive, living in Concordia Kansas, but he knows how to fix your carburetor……AMAZING human being that just turned 80….The stroke that he had limits his physical ability. but the hamster in his head gets on the wheel pretty viogruoresly when you talk cars….I’ll give you his number if you like….

  57. Have you ever considered holding an open thread in which members of the “family ” can ask each other questions about some topic? For example, I am a shooter and a reloader and I’d like to ask some of the “family” for their advice on reloading certain cartridges and firearms maintenance. Other topics would arise, I’m sure. -Forcibly Deranged (Formerly known as Really Enraged.)


  58. @ Bad_Brad, m-m-m-m-m-m ;leather and a whip, riding crop and tasteful chain. Tupperware, oneo f the first 19’s ever made plus a 21 and 42.

    @ The Claw, 18 year old Scotch and none of that other crap.

    Why is there air? No wait, that was Cosby’s line.

    Who likes making/creating things and what is it you create?

  59. Forcibly deranged –

    Great news that you’re an accomplished reloader. So…the only thing I told you that mattered…try Accurate 5744.

    Do you shoot black at all? To me there’s just something about using a 140 yr old designed single shot rifle, iron sights, pushing a huge cast lead slug, w/black powder out to 900 yds and then hearing the ‘gong’ reverberate across the valley floor…seconds later. But that’s just me.

  60. @ .45-70: I have a few muzzleloaders (a flinter and a cap lock in .54, a beautiful Manton 12 ga. that I got in college for a song and a few pistols) that I stoke with black and I used to have a Shiloh Sharps from when they still were made in NY. They’re all fun but I don’t use them as much lately. Sold the Sharps for a considerable profit. It was a .45-120 and just too much trouble to get it to shoot well. I just don’t want the hassle of cleaning my ’73 and ’76 after using black in them.

  61. Eugenia –

    ** Who likes making/creating things and what is it you create? **

    I spent 30 yrs (when I wasn’t working) chasing light and images to make large B&W prints. (Ala Ansel Adams & Brett Weston).

    I have a state of the art chemical darkroom still…but I walked away when digital came to be. And I couldn’t become part of the artsy-fartsy crowd to make money. I did it for self-satisfaction…i was satisfied.

    Do you create/make anything?

  62. Forcibly deranged –

    ** It was a .45-120 and just too much trouble **

    Truer words were never spoken. Too much freebore in the NY’s. It’s difficult enough with a Big Timber. The .45-70 is a piece of cake, tho.

  63. Email is to mail what leggings are to pants: Not.
    I love cards in the mailbox with handwritten notes. I don’t get many since my great aunt died two years ago.
    Also: I like this thread. Let’s chat. Or write.
    And: Africa Bob!! Where have you been?!?!

  64. @ .45-70 I’ve b een an avid needleworker since childhood – embroidery, cross stitch, knitting especially lace, quilting. When I retired I thought I would have all day to create but that hasn’t happened.

    The Willy Warmer – gag gift exchange. I was trying to think of a creative use for it since the husband won’t model it.

  65. @No Blushes,
    Some threads in excess of 400 to 500 comments. I can’t recall exactly what they were, however some games we used to play like the “side bar game” got several hundred comments, like one night when everyone used “cracker” in their name. I still hold onto it, that’s what the “c” in my name represents. 🙂

    What I wanna know.. How is it my dog continues to hate squirrels? I’ve managed to break her from barking and chasing everything but squirrels. What is it a squirrel does to a dog that no other animal can do?

  66. To answer MJA, handmade cards are treasured. We framed the one you made for our wedding and it will hold a place of honor on our bookcase to remember our special day. Thank you again.

  67. It’s 6 am and the snow is beautiful. I’ll tell you what I really think after I move 800 cubic feet of it.
    @Uncle Al, You should know that vise grips are only to be used on flare nuts.
    @MJA, Handmade cards and gifts are always the best.
    @BFH, Thanks for this website, Merry Christmas

  68. BBrad
    Why do they cal tuna “tuna fish” as in a tuna fish sandwich? This redundancy appears only to include tuna.
    I never hear anyo say, “I’m going to eat some bass fish, grouper fish, or mackerel fish.
    Catfish doesn’t count as it is part of the name to differentiate it from cat 🐱. If we used the tuna rule, we could refer to eating catfish fish.

  69. Moxie Man, Think of this. If you were to cook the same steak on a grill, starting it from room temperature, how long would you cook it per side?

    If 4 minutes per side, that’s 8 minutes. So if the steak is completely cooked, 2 more minutes for the sear, which is 1/4 the cook time of a raw steak is too much.

    Julia Childs had a trick to overcome this, a propane torch!

    In all seriousness, while sous vide maintains a level of done-ness for long periods. You may want to try again with less time, 3hrs is a lot. I usually immerse steaks for and hour to hour and a half.

  70. If several .22LR rounds can reliably be put on target in quick succession (barring misfire), could a .22 be an effective self defense pistol beyond “better than nothing”?

    Wife and I are going test shooting tomorrow night. Salesman last night kept saying “Buy a Glock, you’ll be satisfied.” Probably will but like to consider alternatives.

  71. Bad_Brad
    1/2 in. or 1/2 MOA either will work.
    Setup for a Varmint rifle, Shepherd DRS scope.
    I have targets that are single hole, not single bullet size like a 6mm ppc. I generally load 5 per load. After the the barrel was cyyoed it seemed to like hotter loads. I’ve always wanted run it through a chronograph.
    Brand new out of the box, barrel break in, shoot 1 clean 10x, shoot 3 clean 10x, shoot 5 clean 10x. With Remington 120g 1 1/2 inch groups, With Remington 100g 6 inch pattern. I called Remington, they said they would shoot it with 100’s and 120’s and send a note recommending to use 120’s. 1 1/2 @ 100 yds is accurate enough for a hunting rifle. So let the modifications begin.
    If there is a miss, it’s “not” the rifle.

  72. @ecp – “How is it my dog continues to hate squirrels? I’ve managed to break her from barking and chasing everything but squirrels. What is it a squirrel does to a dog that no other animal can do?”
    Good question. I have a white lab that is as sweet as cream to everyone and everything except squirrels. To date she’s caught and eaten 18. Maybe our dogs figured out the little tree whitetails are pretty tasty.

  73. grool, Like any ammo for any caliber, there’s bulk ammo and there’s personal defense ammo. The latter being more expensive, it has better production tolerances that mitigate suds. However, every type of ammo can fail, this is why you need to practice failures, clearing jams, etc.

  74. On the dogs and squirrels thing I note the following. One day I found a frog, I let the dogs see it. They didn’t care for it, it would grab their attention for a second when it hopped, maybe they’d bark at it.

    Next, I found a small painted turtle. I showed the dogs this guy and they lost it, they wanted to kill it!

    Why? Both are similar, unhairy not particularly cute. But instantly when they saw the turtle, it was the enemy.

    The only thing I can figure is it is the tail. The turtle has a tail and the frog doesn’t have a tail.

    Squirrels have a hyper tail. They flick, drag and waive their tails constantly. If they made squirrels with no tail, I bet dogs would leave them alone.

  75. @Old_Oaks
    I bought some “Critical Defense” hollow points for my XDS chambered in 9mm, yeah I know I shoulda’ got it in .45 but that’s another story. Turns out that depending on the barrel length, these loads may not fully develop the velocity intended and therefore won’t do what you want them to do. Glad I read up on that beforehand.

  76. Grool, Many ranges have rental guns. Try different guns/calibers to determine what she can comfortably handle and actually hit something. Revolver and Semi, then buy and practice, practice, practice.

    All, What qualifies as “Family” here? And if I ask I ain’t…?


  77. @bad brad-Chamomile Tea has calming effects and helps me sleep many nights if I am not in complete info overload. Celestial Seasonings makes a good one.

  78. WDS, You’re correct, the gun used can have a dramatic effect on the ammo used. Paul Harrell on YouTube goes over this extensively on his channel. There are too many variables when talking ballistics to ever just take someone’s advice on X brand.

    What’s even more interesting in Paul’s videos, many times the plain old green box Remington JHPs outperform much pricier ammunition.

  79. Jethro, I don’t know if the dogs can smell a squirrel from 50 yards. They didn’t smell the turtle, when they saw it they instantly wanted it. Which leads me to believe it’s a visual cue that triggers them.

  80. @bad_brad
    Many years back, my friend’s dad took up with a woman who had a jealous husband. The husband found them together one day, dragged her downstairs by the hair to the driveway, & shot her in the head. He came back for Herman, who had armed himself with a Browning 22 auto & they shot each other through a screen door. Herman went down after getting hit twice by a 38, but not before emptying the Browning. After being hit with all 9 22’s, the husband walked to his car, uncorked a beer, and sat down to wait for the police. He lost part of one arm later from peritonitis. It was then I decided not to carry a 22 for self defense.

  81. My solution… 210gr GD JHP 1150FPS 41AE

    Ain’t any factory loaded around anymore that I’m aware of. So if’n I don’t roll my own I don’t play. Can switch out the barrel and return spring and it becomes 9MM for practice and conserve the 41 ammo. The 41AE brass has become worth its weight in gold to me. Have limited amount of factory loaded left on the shelf, but have found I like my stuff as much or more. Factory has lawyer limitations, where I can play until I get what I want. Some will tell you this round is unreliable, but again my stuff runs in multiple platforms without any hiccups. CZ clones by Tanfoglio…

  82. 9mm Defense ammo out of a short barreled Pistol.

    Gold Dot (CCI) Manufacturers a round designed to expand when shot out of a short barreled gun

    Federal HST is the hot 9mil amo. It expand to 5/8 inch

  83. Bad Brad.

    I get a great nights sleep every night with this:

    ambien, melatonin, and Equate Nightime Sleep Aid (Walmart). If you don’t want to use ambien, which is a drug and addictive, just try the other two and see if that works.

    Without the 3 I take, I would never sleep. If I’m an ambien addict, so be it.

  84. seriously, how would i know if someone responded to any of my posts other than looking at and refreshing the side bar to see if someone put @Charliewalksonwater in their post? I only use a PC.

  85. @old_oaks. Thats a good one to use on long threads like this’n. The old iotw had the button mja mentioned. It sent a note to your email if there were any comments on a thread or any comments anywhere on iotw. The best threads imo was when you could respond directly to someones comments. But that went away a long time ago.

  86. Brad, both but mostly her, she’s on the road more than I am and Florida is known for crazy. She’s a little worried about being able to manage the Glocks because the 42 and 43 she held were both pretty stiff on the slides. But she’ll try variety tomorrow night. Plus they have certified used which are probably much better broken in.

  87. Thanks Big Fur Hat.
    I like a Serpa lock holster for high physical activity.
    I like a leather ITWB holster for casual wear.
    1911 over tupper ware.
    Glock everyday.
    I like long guns best.

  88. Greeting cards in the mail rule!
    Whatever caliber firearm you choose, bullets hurt.

    I’m wondering who really bought Shelly’s book?

    What are your favorite news sites?

  89. Grool

    A LOT of woman don’t have the strength to work the slide on a Pistol. If that’s the case I would look st something like a Lady Smith revolver. If the slide isn’t an issue I don’t know that I’d recommend the Glock because of the no external safety issue. I’d look at the Smith and Wesson Shield, etc. If you can find one, the CZ SP-07 is a great gun

  90. Beatles or Stones?

    Simon or Garfunkle?

    Loggins or Messina?

    Peaches or Herb?

    Sonny or Cher?

    Lennon or Marx?

    Analog or digital?

    Ribbon or cone?

    Ported or sealed?

    Moving magnet or moving coil?

  91. Herb tea Sleepytime with chamomile is great to wind down for sleep, but nothing beats some home grown chamomile I sampled a few years ago–drank it in daytime and couldn’t stay awake–powerful stuff! I’ve got to remember to get some of that planted. It’s the yellow centers of the little daisy-like flowers. I often drink plain Sleepytime or Sleepytime with echinacea with sliced apple, maybe some cheese at night.

  92. @F4UCorsair What is your relation with Corsairs? My dad worked on them on Midway Island. I found a box of amazing photos last year of him and his VMF-322 Corsairs. Are you on the F4UCorsair Facebook site?

  93. 45-70, as for the hat no hat vs hair no hair, I’m sure it a genetic thing. My dad had a full head of hair until his early death when he was only 50. I’m much older than that now and still pretty hairy.
    Some people have nicely shaped skulls and baldness suits them. My skull looks like the surface of the moon and thankfully is covered with hair. In the end, it’s just hair.

  94. Brad – Glad you asked the question about sleep.

    I have no problem going to sleep. My problem is staying asleep. I basically sleep in one hour increments.

    I don’t want to use Ambien for various reasons, so will try the suggestions made here to see if that helps me.

  95. .45-70

    That’s my problem too. I drink to shut the mind down and get to sleep, which works until about 2:00 AM. And then I’m redesigning shit that doesn’t need to be redesigned.

  96. Dan Ryan Galt –

    **My skull looks like the surface of the moon**

    Lol! Same here, that why I wear a hat. 🙂

    I admit…I have saved a ton of money not buying hair care products.

  97. Bad Brad,
    An excellent old world tea is Cumin.
    Steep whole cumin seeds for a unique peppery/cinnamony warm drink.

    Cumin has the additional benefit of settling a gassy stomach, which helps you to sleep soundly.

  98. “And then I’m redesigning shit that doesn’t need to be redesigned.”
    Sooo, your a politician?
    Joke, still in your foxhole buddy, ‘member impaled traffic cone.
    Hope that does not come off in the wrong way,,,

  99. “I only redesign mechanical stuff.”
    Wow, so your telling me that the poor bastard on the traffic cone didn’t make it?
    Luckily for all of us, ‘cept him, your so honest!
    Your a good man!

  100. You want a hot tip for reactive pistol targets? These are what I’ve been shooting at about 1/10th the cost of steel ones. Find your local scrap metal guys and go find some 1/2 thick aluminum plate. 8 inch rounds, 8 by 12 squares, something in that size range. Drill a 3/4 diameter hole close to the edge, centered on the square stuff. Go buy same Shepherds hooks from your local hardware store. They’re under $10.00. Grab some flat black paint, hang the aluminum and it’s nothing but fun. The 1/2 thick plate will stand up quite a while to 9 mil, 40, and 45.

  101. BFH
    6 years!
    Time flies when you’re old! As I look back I think I was visiting IOTW back when the liberal scoundrel in 1600 Penn was promoting: Brennan, Clapper, Comey, L. Lerner and not least Mueller! Over a decade!
    I think time flies for old folk because a year is such a small part of our lives; but when I was young a year was a material part of my life. NO I do not have a PHD, playing Socrates.

    Keep this place going! America need you!

    God Bless you and Merry Christmas.

  102. @Hans:

    so I don’t need a slide rule if i deal only in whole numbers?

    But how do you know if your computed result will be a whole number even though you are computing from whole numbers?
    E.g. 4 ÷ 3 = 1.333·

    And you have to figure out the decimal point even for whole number answers using a slide rule. E.g. to multiply 40 by 30 you have to keep those zeros in your head. With the slide rule, you simply multiply 4 x 3 = 12 and then tack on those two powers of 10 to get 1,200.

    There’s an old engineer joke from the dark ages before hand held calculators. If you ask an engineer what 4 times 3 is, he’ll pull out his slide rule, fiddle with it for a second, and then answer, “Oh, about 12.”

    But always remember: NASA designed the rockets and calculated all the mission parameters to send men to the Moon mostly using slide rules.

  103. Trying to recall how long I’ve been a regular visitor to iOTWR (formerly iOTW.) Pretty sure it was during the Gulf War. BFH’s current image was a picture of nuns armed with rifles, captioned with a reference to the surprise muzzies might experience upon receiving their promised virgins.
    After lurking here for a while, I selected my alias from one of the posts.
    Seems the site has been redesigned several times since then, due to technical issues.


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