Opinion: Stop hoping for a federal abortion ban; change hearts and minds instead – IOTW Report

Opinion: Stop hoping for a federal abortion ban; change hearts and minds instead

Only a deep, spiritual revival can convince millions to change their minds on the importance of life in the womb. This hasn’t happened through legislation, so it must happen through the heart.

26 Comments on Opinion: Stop hoping for a federal abortion ban; change hearts and minds instead

  1. ** Test of the emergency abortion broadcast system! **

    This is only a test. Had this been an actual abortion, see your relevant State law. The 10th Amendment of The United States Constitution makes ‘abortion’ a State’s issue.

    This concludes the test of the emergency abortion broadcast system!

  2. They took it from being safe, legal, and rare, to using abortion as their preferred form of birth control. Murder as a form of birth control…….no wonder God has forsaken us.

  3. Chicks love to kill their babies.

    Chicks vote.

    As long as both those things remain the same, there will be “legalized” abortion.

    And single-issue chicks will destroy the country rather than vote for anyone who says otherwise.

  4. Of course, there are non-chicks who like abortion too.



    Incestuous pedophiles (Pedo Joe comes to mind).

    Men who dont accept responsibility and prefer to have the consequences of their fecklessness flushed down the toilet.

    And people, male and female, who get sexual pleasure from abortion.


    …Baal would be well pleased, if he actually existed.

    I dont see in what way we HAVENT exceeded Sodom and Gomorrah at this point.

    …and we wonder why this country is becoming an unhappy failure…

  5. “… no wonder God has forsaken us.”

    God hasn’t forsaken us – we turned our backs on God.
    We embraced evil – since – well, Lincoln was presidunce?
    Most assuredly since Wilson.

    The coming cataclysm is bought and paid for.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I don’t understand why anti-abortion absolutists seem unable to understand that they have no grounds — except for their religious beliefs in the “importance” or sanctity of “human life” — to ban t
    the killing of fetuses that are not sentient and cannot feel pain.

    (I don’t see any emphasis on sentience or pain — absolutists would ban even the “morning after pill” and carry on against induced early abortions whose numbers still pale in proportion to “late periods” and very early miscarriages, aka “spontaneous abortions”, not to mention anomalies such as twinning, reabsorbed fetuses, etc., about which they seem to lack all biological knowledge.)

    Not everyone holds the purely religious belief, which is completely lacking any rational reason, not even compassion for fetal suffering when there is none, that something sacred occurs at the moment of conception. Not even all religions adhere to this. Not even all “Judeo-Christian” religions.

    Religious dogma cannot be imposed on other people just “because” that’s what some believe, no matter how strongly: First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

    Laws cannot be passed in the United States without a rational reason. ‘I think God says so’ is insufficient.

  7. Stop trying to pass laws against murder, rape, incest, pedophilia. Change hearts and minds instead.

    That makes as much sense as the initial premise. Absolutely, we need to change hearts and minds about abortion. But until they are changed, let us protect the babies, who cannot protect themselves.

  8. Make this a place people wish to and can afford to bring another life into and things will change overnight. You simply cannot STEAL 50% of someone’s wealth, make it nearly impossible to raise a family in a proper manner (with options for only one parent working, etc.), impose vaccine mandates on parents, impose medical tyranny on parents, destroy parental rights, tax property in immoral ways, etc. and expect that people will want to create more victims. Republicans don’t want to truly get their hands dirty FIXING our broken society any more than democrats want to stop destroying it. Most of these issues came about when the government make sure IT had more power than the people. Winning hearts and minds only goes so far when one has to pay the bills.

  9. janitor
    Saturday, 7 September 2024, 10:44 at 10:44 am
    “I don’t understand why anti-abortion absolutists seem unable to understand that they have no grounds — except for their religious beliefs in the “importance” or sanctity of “human life” — to ban t
    the killing of fetuses that are not sentient and cannot feel pain.”

    …as a practical matter, either human life is held to be sacrosanct above all other life, or it is not.

    If it IS, then theres no way in a just legal system to differentiate BETWEEN human lives, no matter how dark or light, no matter where they come from, no matter how old…or young. The debate THEN can only be WHAT constitutes human life, be it developmental stage, sentience, independent sustinance of life, or simply living DNA that is not the same as either parent that is actively dividing and growing, with full potential to become a human being.

    If we set the bar at independent living or have a sentience test, many seniors will fail. If its thriving, no child can do that without a parent for many years. People who’ve had accidents and injuries may not be able to live without being fed and cleaned and even artificially ventilated. Do we then disqualify these as “human” and if so, to be killed at the pleasure of relatives or the State when it considers them a burden?

    Its debatable, but only matters if human life is held in higher legal esteem than animal.

    …if human life is NOT sacred, if human = cockroach = bush, then all bets are off. No reason not to kill a human if it bothers you and you can. No reason you cant force a human to work for nothing but provendor as you would a horse.

    No reason to hold back at anything, not even cannibalism, if human lives are no more inviolable than chickens or corn.

    We were there once. Parts of the world still are.

    It was called the Stone Age.

    …you can debate, if you will, aspiritually about the bounds of human life if you like; but if you take the position that human life itself is in no way special, as a practical matter its every man for himself and only the strongest and most vicious will survive.

    A world where human life is esteemed is viable, even if the underpinnings are “not rational”.

    A world where human life is nothing special is not, and no amount of rationality will make it so.

  10. As all human activity is motivated by one’s spiritual inclination — regardless of one’s cognition of that spiritual presence (either of God or of the evil one) — their actions flow from that inclination.

    The one who acknowledges Jesus’ sovereign ownership over all immediately recognizes their duty to uphold his laws as set forth in his holy writ, the Bible. Theists, and even agnostics, who only admit to there being a God or “higher power”, try to attain some level of goodness through works righteousness; unaware of or dismissive of the need of personal salvation.

    Those who govern their lives according to their own laws are in the grip of the progenitor of lies; the evil one, Satan.

    It’s difficult to discern who is more concerning to a society; those who think they are righteous through their works and unchanged in spirit, or those who are openly hostile and at war with God. My sense it is the former, because they desperately wish to be thought “reasonable” and “rational” and “agreeable”; all traits admired by the world, and the siren call of the devil.

    (Where am I going with this?)

    Geoff C. just shared an article about the 250th anniversary of the American “Warrior Prayer”. It’s a fascinating story and the prayer is Psalm 35. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/09/the_250th_anniversary_of_america_s_battle_psalm.html

    The only way to change hearts and minds is to pray for God’s intervention. We must pray for his action against our enemies and his action on our own hearts and minds, enabling us to go about this task in his (correct) way. Only then will our efforts be anointed with his powerful blessing, and our victory assured.

    P.S. I disagree with the thinking behind abortion being dismissed by some as a state’s issue. Do we have a bunch of lawyers here? While abortion is in fact governed by individual states, that empty argument doesn’t address the immorality of killing babies in the womb. I don’t think flourishing babies actually know which state they’re in.

  11. Wild Bill – You’d think that knowing Margaret Sanger would be well enough known by now as the progenitor of race-based eugenics. Hell, even the Nazi’s modeled their Final Solution on her eugenics pathology. True story. Hitler’s regime suffered a conscience over the world’s rebuke of eliminating an entire race of people just because they were Jews, until the U.S. paved the way with Sanger’s reassuring trope about how good it is for women and society to weed out the “bad” ones. I’m necessarily simplifying her treatise, but one has to. As an “any means necessary” Leftist, her word salad was world class.

  12. Baal absolutely exists. His name is Satan and he’s CEO of the abortion industry. He’s also the guru of the fool’s doctrine that God doesn’t exist and his creation – man, has no accountability to The True and Living God.
    Legislating morality does not work. Amoral, corrupt people abhor morality. It’s offensive to them.

    Changing hearts and minds does work. The belief systems that abortion is a necessity for birth control, to preserve the life of the mother (more myth than reality), a deterant to overpopulation or disease, an act performed for wicked rituals or “resolving” the cases of rape or incest are all choices which result in the death of a human being-a child in infancy.
    It doesn’t matter what stage of development. An innocent soul, not responsible for his or her existence is created. That fact cannot be erased.

    A fetus (baby) is completely dependent on the moral state of the woman/mother carrying that child. Why? because it connects us to each other as a species – mankind through (ideally) love, compassion and empathy for the purpose of our survival. Although, evil warps the true objectives of life the purpose does not change.

    Annihilation through abortion is evil, heinous, cruel and unnecessary. No other creature on Earth is capable of such a crime against itself to the point of extinction. God made man the exception so he could determine his own destiny – an honor and privilege mankind takes for granted.

    That’s why it imperative to change hearts and minds…to preserve life.
    Whether you believe there is a God or not, it makes no sense to self destruct and destroy people for selfish reasons. Logically, there is no purpose for abortion except to commit murder. However, as always the choice is ours…aa God intended.

  13. 99th Squad Leader — Great commentary!

    I’ve been wondering why, if abortion enthusiasts are Godless, they are bothered by Christians praying outside Planned Parenthood abortion mills. If they don’t believe there is God, why would they care if someone is apparently just babbling (even silently) to a non-entity? I’m mystified by why they care so much they are having Christians arrested and even thrown into jail for something they say they don’t believe in. Very strange.

  14. an actual thoughtful thread on abortion. Why I really appreciate this site along with the humor.

    My summary so far on what I read
    – Constitutional right is at the states so work within the system to stop it there
    – Spiritual (I think only Judeo Christian recognize this?) as a sacrosanct life at conception, therefore it is evil
    – Practical side you have to draw a line somewhere where human life begins; if you don’t, then you are implying there is nothing special to human life and that leads to horror/evils of the past
    – Personal/abortion rights side does not care about the discussion/philosophy, only sees a problem and just wants their freedom to choose.

    did I miss anything

  15. Thanks, AbigailAdams. God inspired my comments. Despite what the Godless think, it’s because of His love that He allows us have autonomy. To decide for ourselves whether we accept God and His ways/Word or reject Him. Satan has twisted hearts and minds of everyone who rejects God. They are extremely deceived by Satan. Blinded by sin, the Godless fight against everything God inspired. Even if they don’t know why. Spiritually, the Godless are enemies of God and their amoral behavior proves it.

    Satan, is well aware God exists, of course and wants to be God. He envies God so much he’s determined to separate man, whom he also hates, from God.

    This is what set up Satan’s downfall and his decieving Adam and Eve sealed his fate – cast out of Heaven, cursed and handicapped by a woman! Whoa, the first perfect burn. Eventually, to spend eternity in Hell by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Satan has an axe to grind and takes out his revenge on mankind because he knows it hurts God.

    So, since the Godless are deceived by Satan they mimic and act on the objectives of Satan as a result of rejecting God. Satan’s enemies are their enemies.
    Christians and those who support Godly principles are targeted. If not brought to the truth of redemption, the proper connection to God through Christ, the Godless will continue to attack Pro-life strategies, laws and institutions uninhibited.

  16. Thank you, SNS, for your thoughtful response to my purely legalistic query and comment.

    One problem I still have, coming from a military family, is that we do -NOT- hold human life to be sacred. Not from what I’ve seen; and I’d also question the elevation of criminals and murderers to the status of being sacred.

    Another (legal) problem that I see is that barring an insistence on religion, there is no way to insist that this view be shared by all. We do not live in a theocracy. Many Christians and Christian churches have been okay with early abortion, e.g. the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Lutheran Women’s Caucus, among others.

    As far as “line-drawing” I am unconvinced that this has to be at conception. Some traditions hold to “first breath”, i.e. live birth. Others might argue sentience (of “first sentience”) and ability to feel pain or fear.

    If one of my daughters-in-law were to be raped by some ugly deformed retarded criminal, I absolutely would be in favor of her getting an abortion.

    Similarly, I am not going to judge someone who does not want to bring into their lives and burden their other children and families with a child that will have severe birth defects.

    In Canada and other places, many now are okay with euthanasia. And, reach a certain age and see some prolonged horrid end-of-lives and many people ask their lawyers for “DNR”s, and finding out that they can’t have that, “living wills” as an imperfect substitute.

    The “line” isn’t “being human” inasmuch as ova and sperm are living and human. The line also isn’t conception, and not because we cannot know when that is (not to mention the “late period” spontaneous abortion that isn’t grieved. It’s also not conception because that actually does not signify a unique new human being — even a week or two later, that zygote can split into twins or triplets. Sometimes thereafter, that twin gets reabsorbed. No one knows or grieves.

    500,000 or more soldiers in Ukraine and Russia alone have been killed in the past year or so — for what? Not to mention all the other living people who have been killed because some politician thought war to be a good idea.

    My children are all in the military. Friends, buddies have died or brrn permanently maimed. I have sat with parents who have lost children that way.

    I cannot find it in me to hold in equal status a few-week fetus that has no sentience and cannot feel pain. I also am not really moved by (do you realize they are living!?!) “brain dead” organ donors who in fact are killed (with anesthesia) as their parts are removed (clapclapclap such a good “cause”. Not “sacred” life because…?)

  17. Here is the line. Your choice to believe or not:

    Psalm 139:13-18, The Holy Bible
    13. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
    15. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
    17. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!
    18. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand — when I awake, I am still with you.”

    It’s not up to any man to decide when life begins, how it is created or develops. Men cannot make themselves.

    The circumstances of conception doesn’t devalue a human life …a baby’s life. Destroying what God creates will not change that fact. God alone determines the value of all creation…never mankind.

    Therefore, to kill a child/fetus/infant because of shame, contempt or indifference etc. goes against God’s will and purpose for creating a life. An act based on evil intent. Making excuses to terminate innocent human life just won’t hold ground.


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