Oregon sewer workers say their union stinks – IOTW Report

Oregon sewer workers say their union stinks

DC: Oregon Sewer Workers Are Busting Their Own Union For ‘Extortion’.

A Portland, Ore, union worker has teamed up with an organization dedicated to union-busting to fight the union that he claims is extorting him.

Dennis Duffey reached out to the Freedom Foundation for help circulating a petition for deauthorization, removing mandatory dues from union contracts, so he and others could freely join other unions or negotiate their own salary.

“If I’m not getting represented, then I have a problem with paying dues,” Duffey told Oregon’s Willemette Week. “I call it extortion.”

Duffey’s actions are a severe threat to his union, Laborers Local 483. The union exists on member dues, and Duffey’s attempt to upset that order and risk the union is “economic violence,” Local 483 former interim president Wesley Buchholz told the Willemette Week.  read more

19 Comments on Oregon sewer workers say their union stinks

  1. Apologies beforehand, if necessary-
    Plumbers need to know three things:
    Shit rolls down hill.
    Payday is on Friday.
    Manhole covers are round.

    Pop Quiz:
    Why are manhole covers round?

  2. manhole covers are round because of no alignment issues … them suckers are heavy!
    I’ve probably been in more manholes than Doogie Howser!
    (that didn’t sound right … the real kind, not the Anderson Pooper kind)</i) 😉

  3. @Toby, my dad who ran a sewer department for 10 years, then retireing for the third time, told me:
    1 Hot goes on the left.
    2 Shit runs downhill.
    3 Never chew your fingernails.
    Round rolls.

  4. In the early 70’s, we used to make ‘bar bets’ with nuclear physicists from Rocky Flats in CO, at ‘Dixies’ bar, across the road. We’d put an egg in a corner and bet them $5 they couldn’t break it with a bucket. Before ‘common core.’ We’d drink for free until they left. Laughed a lot, too.

  5. All unions stink. The time has long passed since they were necessary. They exist now largely as special interest groups, wobbly front organizations that restrain commerce at the expense of consumers.

  6. Out here, because of piss poor design, the sewer backs up during heavy rains in Tamuning and the manhole covers are pushed out of the holes and car tires fall into them.

    Awesome buddy!!!

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