Our First Gay President – IOTW Report

Our First Gay President

The Prince and the Gawker.

Anonymous sent me a heads up–>

“Take a look at the interview with Obama and Prince Harry. Am I insane or is the president actually flirting with the Prince?”

I made a mental note of taking a look, thinking, “how bad could it really be?”


This is uncomfortable to watch, especially since I’ve never seen him ever do anything of the sort with a female interviewer. His panties are definitely moist here.

What do you think?


ht/ petrus

32 Comments on Our First Gay President

  1. Interesting to watch with no sound. The way he cuts his eyes, the coy facial expressions and the body language. Whatever is going on there, it’s definitely out of place for a former president and a member of UK’s royal family.

  2. Why can’t the asshole just go away? For God’s sake. It’s all about him, that’s why. He’ll never go away unless, with any luck, it’s away to a 6 x 9 cell. I despise him more than I could ever describe.

  3. That’s weird. I thought 0bama’s daddy forbid him to have anything to do with royals, empires, colonialism and such? Maybe he was squirming, batting his eyelashes and giggling because he felt oppressed.

  4. Is whitemailing some what less of a crime than blackmailing someone? And just exactly how do you whitemail someone? Black makes it sound more sinister and forbidden while white just describes nothing but it’s still racist because everything associated with whitey is racist, doncha know.

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