Ousted Dictator’s Son Set To Take Over the Philippines – IOTW Report

Ousted Dictator’s Son Set To Take Over the Philippines

The word is about, there’s something evolving,
Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving…
They say the next big thing is here,
That the revolution’s near,But to me it seems quite clear
That’s it’s all just a little bit of history repeating.


The son and namesake of ousted Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos took a commanding lead in an unofficial vote count in Monday’s presidential election in the deeply divided democracy. With 80% of the votes tabulated, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. had 25.9 million, far ahead of his closest challenger, current Vice President Leni Robredo, a champion of human rights, who had 12.3 million. The election winner will take office on June 30 for a single, six-year term as leader of a Southeast Asian nation hit hard by two years of COVID-19 outbreaks and lockdowns.

Still more challenging problems include deeper poverty and unemployment and decades-long Muslim and communist insurgencies. The next president is also likely to hear demands to prosecute outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte for thousands of killings during his anti-drug crackdown—deaths already under investigation by the International Criminal Court. However, Duterte’s daughter, southern Davao city Mayor Sara Duterte, is Marcos Jr.’s vice presidential running mate in an alliance of the scions of two authoritarian leaders. Sara Duterte also had a formidable lead with 25.8 million votes for vice president in the unofficial count. The president and vice president are elected separately.

History may repeat itself if they win,” said Myles Sanchez, a 42-year-old human rights worker.


13 Comments on Ousted Dictator’s Son Set To Take Over the Philippines


    A kick ass free spending anti Muslim mini Marcos in powah!?!?!?!?

    I could get my old job back. Supplying arms and training to a bunch of dusky hued midgets with a blood thirst for revenge.

    This is great news. Exciting news. …..bad news for the M.I.L.F*. But good news for everyone else.

    *Moro Islamic Liberation Front you pervs.

  2. The Philippines has for decades been called “The Land of Children”. Knowing the country well, I can attest to the truth of that statement. Nobody there takes anything seriously. The general consensus is “oh, well, what can we do?”. They are a Land of Lotus Eaters.

    The average IQ is 75. Their brain trust regularly emigrates for opportunity elsewhere. They vote for celebrities and want only bread and circuses in return. They are nice people in a crappy neighborhood, and they know they have no control of their own destinies.

    I wish them well and am very fond of the entire country. But they are screwed.

  3. “The average IQ is 75. Their brain trust regularly emigrates for opportunity elsewhere. They vote for celebrities and want only bread and circuses in return. They are nice people in a crappy neighborhood, and they know they have no control of their own destinies.”

    … sounds like someplace I’m real familiar with … starts w/ a U, got an S in the middle & ends w/ an A

  4. Mo, a sweeter, more innocent and blissfully ignorant people exist.

    It’s such a clear cut case of good versus evil in the southern islands that I’m ashamed to be a member of a species that for the most part, ignores their plight.

    I’m talking about the rural animist/ancestor worshiping nice guys being killed off by these dickhead muslim interlopers. It’s sickening. No damn reason to go fuggin’ medieval on these people.

    I saw it years ago and am eager to return with some hammers of justice.


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