Nazi Mosques in America
FrontPage/It was another Friday night in the Islamic Center of Jersey City. And its imam, Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby, had some thoughts about the Jews. “So long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque [Read More]
FrontPage/It was another Friday night in the Islamic Center of Jersey City. And its imam, Sheikh Aymen Elkasaby, had some thoughts about the Jews. “So long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque [Read More]
Washington Times: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has stepped into the Bundy prosecution after Wednesday’s mistrial, ordering a third-party examination of the case in light of the latest government snafu. “The [Read More]
Washington Times: Corker expresses ‘newfound empathy’ for Trump’s complaints about ‘fake news’ Sen. Bob Corker said Thursday that he has a “newfound empathy” for President Trump and his ongoing complaints [Read More]
Washington Times: Faced with libel lawsuit, dossier drafter Christopher Steele hedges on linking Trump to Russia. Christopher Steele, the former British spy who fueled an ongoing investigation into President Trump’s [Read More]
WASHINGTON TIMES- A federal judge in New York dismissed one of the lawsuits against President Trump’s business dealings, ruling Thursday that a watchdog group didn’t have standing to challenge whether [Read More]
Netflix, for progressive reasons, has cast a black guy to play Achilles, which, according to author Homer, was a blonde-haired guy. This is Achilles in the new BBC & Netflix [Read More]
Elizabeth Warren is the frontrunner for the democratic presidential nomination in 2020. Here’s what she said about Trump’s tax cuts. “…the current tax reform isn’t simply bad policy, it’s just [Read More]
DT- As the “year of hate” winds up, we have one more case of racially motivated violence. It’s not the kind the liberal media insists is the problem, but rather [Read More]
There is nothing in the constitution that prevents a president from doing business in foreign nations. This suit is idiotic. It’s meant to prevent bribery. Paying the going rate for [Read More]
I hope it’s unwelcome conservative refugees in a blue state fleeing to a red state-not progressives fleeing a blue state to ruin a red state. – illustr8r Breitbart- The U.S. [Read More]
iOTWreport never had more traffic than in 2017. Well over a million eyeballs hit our posts for 12 consecutive months, and I thank you all for visiting, disseminating the news, [Read More]
…or the best ever? ht/ moe tom
‘Carols from King’s’ 2004. the BBC’s shortened version of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols which they record early in December and air on Christmas Day. Once in [Read More]
California Political Review; Imagine the reaction if, after a loan officer told an applicant they would not receive a loan because of too much debt, the applicant asked “How about [Read More]
Breitbart- The mother of former Miami Heat power forward Chris Bosh has been arrested and charged with the exploitation of a disabled person whom authorities say she abused in the [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.