Citing Continued Butt Hurt, CNN Will Be Boycotting White House Christmas Party
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: CNN may very well be the best example of a bloated corpse rotting in the middle ground of the wasteland that is American cable news. And being [Read More]
Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me. (Oprah???)
NY Post: An aspiring actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey and Naomi Campbell to dupe her into thinking he would help her with her career — only to use her for sex. British actress Kadian [Read More]
Elon Musk Cons South Australia out of $50 million
Breitbart: Whoever handles Elon Musk’s public relations deserves a medal. The slippery snake oil salesman and rent-seeker extraordinaire has been down to South Australia – now reduced, pretty much, to a third world state [Read More]
‘Totally Fraudulent’ PAC Soliciting Donations For A Laura Ingraham Senate Run That Isn’t Happening
Daily Caller: A shady Republican political action committee (PAC) is asking supporters of Fox News host Laura Ingraham for money to help support her 2018 run for Senate. There’s just [Read More]
They’re Coming Too Fast To Keep Up With, Now – Who’s The Latest Firing???
Woe Begone. Garrison Keillor, oddly, was not fired for being one of the most unfunny “humorists” on the planet. No. He’s been fired for “inappropriate behavior.” Well, that can include [Read More]
Susan Collins Wants Obamacare Subsidies Passed Before Tax Reform
It’s extortion like this that angers me about Senate Republicans. Susan Collins (R-ME) stated last Sunday that she wants to see two Obamacare “stabilization” bills passed before tax reform. The bi-partisan bills would, [Read More]
And now, let’s shake off the swamp and do an uplifting story
Bubba’s Brother writes- I found this to be as heart-warming a story as I’ve seen in a long time. This little child has a fantastic attitude and shows what the [Read More]
Not Even Arguable – NYTs Crosses the Line of Journalism Into Outright Political Activism
Contact @SenJohnMcCain and @JeffFlake, particularly if you live in Arizona, and tell them to oppose the tax bill: It would add more than $1.4 trillion to the deficit over 10 [Read More]
Bill Clinton Survivors to Headline D.C. Protest Demanding Resignation of Al Franken, John Conyers, Joe Barton
Breitbart: Women speaking out about the men who have sexually assaulted, abused or harassed them will take to the national stage on Wednesday where organizers and past victims will call [Read More]
Fascinating site that will give you a fascinating factoid about Pocahontas. Try it–> Now try typing it into your browser. I’m not doing anything sneaky. Someone else is. ht/ [Read More]
WATCH: Moore Accusers Have Ties to Drug Dealers and Washington Post
OAN EXCLUSIVE – Just 2 weeks ahead of the Alabama Senate race, One America News uncovers shocking ties between Roy Moore accusers and a major news organization. One America’s Pearson [Read More]
Almost Every Graduate Of DC High School Was Truant, Yet All Of Them Were Accepted To College
Daily Caller: The majority of graduating students at a Washington, D.C. high school did not attend more than six weeks of high school, but still managed to get into college, [Read More]
Fauxcahontas Claims She ‘Never Got Any Benefit’ from Ancestry Boasts, But…
Big Government- […] The current controversy stems from President Donald Trump referring to Warren as “Pocahontas” during an Oval Office ceremony honoring Navajo code talkers on Monday. Warren quickly denounced [Read More]
Lauer’s Ass Pinching of Katie Couric Was Completely Ignored When Revealed Years Ago
It’s almost as if someone reread these claims and then made a few phone calls to some of NBC’s top brass. Who in the world could that have been? TMZ- [Read More]