Please Black Conservatives, do not pander to Leftists
CFP: The Mistake of Pandering to Antifa/Black Lives Matter. I cringed when I heard fellow black conservatives whom I respect on TV saying that while they condemn the violent behavior [Read More]
CFP: The Mistake of Pandering to Antifa/Black Lives Matter. I cringed when I heard fellow black conservatives whom I respect on TV saying that while they condemn the violent behavior [Read More]
American Mirror: A wall is good enough for Maxine Waters’ mansion, but she doesn’t think the country should have one to protect against illegal immigration. Waters’ opponent, Omar Navarro, posted [Read More]
ht/ Wisco Dave People’s offense, particularly black people’s, entertains me. I enjoy it. And when a leftist douchebag apologizes on “white people’s” behalf, I am offended. I don’t apologize for [Read More]
DC: Hillary’s New Political Group Has Little To Show For In First Four Months — Besides Taking Money. In the four months since Hillary Clinton officially launched her new political [Read More]
DC: Dana Milbank, a writer for The Washington Post, believes President Donald Trump is literally killing him. Milbank said he discovered Trump’s presidency is affecting his health after visiting the [Read More]
Kelli Ward: [via FIVETHIRTYEIGHT] Jeff Flake is still in big trouble. The latest survey from Democratic pollster GBA Strategies gives Kelli Ward (Flake’s opponent in Arizona’s GOP Senate primary) a 58 percent to 31 percent [Read More]
Speisa- Now that Google does not even hide that they monitor you, it’s good to have an alternative. The search engine DuckDuckGo has had huge growth in recent months. In [Read More]
DC: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have had a much better chance at beating Trump if she had acted more like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, New York Times [Read More]
Hillary Clinton Hides Behind GIANT Toilet Paper Wall For Public Appearance.
DC: A surgeon who worked at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for decades is alleging that hospital administrators across the country are manipulating statistics on patient mortality rates to [Read More]
Whaaaaaat? Noooooo…. DC: The 18-year-old suspect arrested after a bomb exploded on a London subway train Friday injuring dozens is believed to be an Iraqi refugee. The teenager suspected of [Read More]
Quelle Surprise DC:Former Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor openly called for full citizenship for anyone under the Obama administration’s DACA program Sunday. “It is well past time for Republicans [Read More]
DC: UN Ambassador Nikki Haley continues to talk tough on North Korea, promising the rogue regime they will be destroyed if the United States is forced to defend itself. On [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.