Candidate for GA Gov. Wants Stone Mountain Defaced
Stacy Abrams, who is currently running for governor in Georgia has released a statement calling for the removal of the giant carving at Stone Mountain. Calling it a “blight” the [Read More]
Maryland Guv Wants Dred Scott Judge Removed
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney is best known for presiding over the notorious Dred Scott case that denied a black man his humanity and helped kickstart the Civil War. His [Read More]
Right on Cue – Trump Is Right Again
Chicago Pastor Wants Presidents’ Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery. The pinhead suggests the park keep it’s name but be regarded as either JESSE Jackson park, or [Read More]
Fox News New Low: Establishment Mouthpiece Dana Perino Implies Pro-Israel Breitbart a Nazi Site
Breitbart: Fox News viewers were livid after Dana Perino—long suspected to be someone, like Megyn Kelly, who cares more about the opinions of elites in New York and D.C. than [Read More]
Don Lemon Whitewashes ANTIFA
Let me remind Lemonhead-
Baltimore Removes Four Confederate Statues Under Cover of Night
Breitbart: In a stealth purging of history, the city of Baltimore removed four Confederate statues from city property under cover of night early Tuesday morning. City crews began the destruction [Read More]
What Wine Goes With It?
Photo courtesy of Justin DeFerbrache. Found in Beijing, China.
I’ve been sent to the gulag for confronting Tweetholes
I’ve been tweeting this picture to anyone applauding Chris Cuomo’s asinine tweet comparing #Antifa with our boys storming the shores of Normandy- This is the result- So, I’m not free [Read More]
Here is the left’s Greatest Generation!
BTW, Chris Cuomo is getting roasted, pilloried, flayed and sautéed on Twitter for his most ignorant and vile tweet that compared ANTIFA to our greatest Americans who stormed the beaches [Read More]
CNN Dunce, Chris Cuomo, Tweets Out Insipid Thought
So the left-wing media is now comparing #Antifa to the Greatest Generation???? Let's not forget — Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) August 16, 2017 Here’s the counterpunch to Chrissy’s analogy-
CA Assembly Considers Bill to Delay Start of Public Schools to 8:30am
CPR: […] Union concerns about the ill effects of too much schooling on students’ and teachers’ health led to eliminating summer terms and setting a standardized statewide 180-day school [Read More]
Uh Oh, ANTIFA: The Entire State Of Virginia Is Named After A Slave-Trader
DC: Antifa clashed with white nationalists in Charlottesville, Va., over a statute of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, but the state itself is named after the woman who brought slavery [Read More]
Democrats’ 2018 Candidates Are Sprinting Away From Nancy Pelosi
DC: Democratic congressional candidates are increasingly trying to distance themselves from unpopular House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Paul Davis is just the latest Democratic congressional candidate willing to throw Pelosi [Read More]