2 dead during Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ weekend
Activists called on residents to stop shooting each other between Friday to Sunday. Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ Weekend Lasted For A Good 24 Hours
Activists called on residents to stop shooting each other between Friday to Sunday. Baltimore’s ‘Nobody Kill Anyone’ Weekend Lasted For A Good 24 Hours
Gosh, that sounds like a lot! Former soldiers now working in the police bomb disposal unit of Malmö, where 43 per cent of inhabitants have foreign backgrounds, have said the [Read More]
President Donald Trump’s new Chief of Staff John Kelly gave a speech to roughly 200 White House aides Friday and warned them about the serious repercussions of leaking classified information and [Read More]
The recent influx of illegal refugees flooding across the border into Quebec is proving to be an immigration wakeup call for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Mass Of Illegals Forces [Read More]
The professor who tweeted “[President] Trump must hang” and “justice = the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant” will not be returning to teach in the fall, according [Read More]
Jpost- Before being used by Hitler’s German Nazi regime, swastikas were commonly known as an ancient sign used by Hindus and Buddhists carrying positive associations such as auspiciousness and good [Read More]
GaryDemar: While tyranny is often forced upon a population from the muzzle of a gun, it can also be imposed gradually on a savior‑starved people. The history of socialism and [Read More]
An online chubby gal took offense to an online liker of chubby gals because he was “given likes” for his declaration – People Tess Holliday has joined the long list of [Read More]
TOTUS: From public records obtained on the Election Assistance Commission (“EAC”) 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey (“EAVS”), and through verbal accounts from various county agencies, eleven (11) counties in California [Read More]
They broadcast from Trump Tower. We’ve liked Kayleigh ever since this exchange with an unhinged bull dyke. ht/ all too much
Patriot Retort: For a year now they’ve been looking to prove collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. And what have they found? What have they found? Nothing. Meanwhile, [Read More]
The faggoning continues. Telegraph- Male make-up counters could become a reality within five years, the UK boss of L’Oreal has said, as it is no longer a taboo for the “selfie [Read More]
MECCA, Saudi Arabia (World News Bureau) – Millions of Muslim men embark each year on a pilgrimage to Mecca to gaze upon Islam’s most sacred icon – the Kabaa ‘Stone.’ Here is a [Read More]
Faith Goldy of The Rebel.media blasts the BBC for their attempt to normalize Niqabs, Burqas, and Hijabs.
Painting in California Rep. Lou Correa’s office sparks complaints. EastBayTimes- A student painting that depicts the Statue of Liberty wearing a Muslim hijab, displayed in congressman Lou Correa’s Santa Ana [Read More]
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