Lawn Mowing man becomes Hit on social media
The South African man said mowing the lawn was on his “to-do” list. He said he was keeping an eye on it and it was moving away from him. ht/ [Read More]
The South African man said mowing the lawn was on his “to-do” list. He said he was keeping an eye on it and it was moving away from him. ht/ [Read More]
“Travel Ban Is The Worst Thing We Can Do.”- John Kerry What’s the best we can do? “More outreach. All over the world there’s too much distance between the government [Read More]
The People’s Cube says Hillary Clinton has been doing appearances to promote her upcoming book, but she hasn’t announced a title. Any suggestions? More
The Daily Caller had the death count at 149 as of yesterday, before the attacks in London added 7 more murdered last night. Praise Allah. I have it at 153 dead as [Read More]
Theresa May Says The Internet Must Now Be Regulated Following London Bridge Terror Attack Terrorism works. In the wake of every jihad attack comes sharia-backed policies, legislation, and submission. Freedom [Read More]
Gates of Vienna- Notice that the headline says “two dead”, as if the perp and his victim were in the same general class — those who were killed in a [Read More]
DailyCaller: Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders is once again in legal trouble over remarks against the religion of Islam, prosecutors confirmed Friday. Wilders allegedly called Islam an “ideology of war and [Read More]
Breitbart: Initial papers have been filed as part of an effort to take action at a local level to defund California sanctuary cities one by one starting in the city [Read More]
Breitbart: Thursday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” during a panel discussion on Hillary Clinton’s reasons for losing the presidential election to Donald Trump, host John King mocked Clinton. The Daily Beast’s [Read More]
A brief look at why Arab armies always seem to do poorly in the field. Here
ABW: Want to make a hundred million dollars? Just be a victim! Last month we reported on the case of Mohamad Bazzi, a Muslim man from Dearborn, Michigan, who is [Read More]
American Thinker- Did you know that June is Gay Pride month? It means we are supposed to celebrate all forms of gay sex–men on men, women on women, all of [Read More]
He does lots of mouth sounds… at least, I hope it’s his mouth.
Some think he may be trying to get Kathy Griffin off the front page, but does he look like the type to take a bullet for someone? It seems to me like [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.