They Spent Their Ossoff
The Georgia 6th district race was the most expensive in history with a total of $55 million spent. The Federal Elections Commission tells us that the Ossoff campaign spent $22,532,609 as of the [Read More]
The Georgia 6th district race was the most expensive in history with a total of $55 million spent. The Federal Elections Commission tells us that the Ossoff campaign spent $22,532,609 as of the [Read More]
BuzzFeed is dealing with a bedbug infestation nypost- Don’t let the bedbugs bite, BuzzFeeders! Staffers at the Big Apple-based news and entertainment site buzzed off from work Thursday to steer clear [Read More]
Cartoon Network recently brought back the early 2000’s Samurai Jack and gave the series a very nicely done final season. They’ve been running the new episodes on their late night [Read More]
Breitbart: The car batteries used in a Tesla generate as much CO2 as driving a gasoline-powered car for eight years. And that’s before they even come off the production line. [Read More]
Breitbart: […] “Admire & respect Nancy Pelosi, but in ‘every’ race, GOP runs against her,” Cher said. In an interview with Breitbart News on the eve of the election, Handel [Read More]
This is the funniest joke Cosby has told in years. TMZ Bill Cosby wants to spread the word to young people about sexual assault … how to avoid being accused [Read More]
Breitbart: After a Bernie Sanders supporter tried to commit mass murder last week – the second homicidal Bernie supporter so far this year — the media blamed President Trump for [Read More]
Using a standard Macmillian TAC-50 sniper rifle, a Canadian special forces member shot an ISIS suicide bomber from over 2 miles away in Iraq last month. It took roughly 10 [Read More]
Breitbart: A Texas woman plans to undergo a total of eight plastic surgeries in order to more closely resemble former model and current First Lady of the United States Melania [Read More]
Yeah, sure, America is great because of Muslims. Uhhhh, no. They are a substantial net loss. Story. ht/ waitforit
I guess the reason he was arrested was because there were idiots laying down on the road trying to screw over people who voted for Trump by blocking traffic. He [Read More]
This time it is Campus Reform, a site I love, that is wrong. Here is their headline: Saying ‘Radical Islam’ is ‘definitely wrong,’ students say. I think Campus Reform’s point [Read More]
Jihad Watch: […] A Muslim man who laughed over his trembling five-year-old son as his family prepared for the boy’s ‘execution’ claims he was teaching him honesty. Kiimatangiroa Junior Samuel, [Read More]
Islamists and Leftists Target Reformists and Ex-Muslims With Racial Epithet. Breitbart: […] Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, dealt with the issue for blacks in the United States. That [Read More]
DC: State Department officials have opened “a formal inquiry” into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server located in her New York residence, and are considering whether she and [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.