Pennsylvania Revokes License of Center Housing Illegals
NBC10: Pennsylvania officials are revoking the license of a residential facility that’s one of three detention centers the federal government uses to house asylum-seeking immigrant families.
NBC10: Pennsylvania officials are revoking the license of a residential facility that’s one of three detention centers the federal government uses to house asylum-seeking immigrant families.
The National Mall has memorials for all the major U.S. conflicts of the 20th Century, except The First World War. On Tuesday, the World War I Centennial Commission announced [Read More]
A former Russian agent claims that in his search of Soviet archives he came across evidence that Stalin’s secret police were analyzing the stool samples of those they were spying on. [Read More]
This dog will cure cancer before Joe does. ht/ cakes
HistoryChannel: Edgar Allan Poe’s famous poem “The Raven,” beginning “Once upon a midnight dreary,” is published on this day in the New York Evening Mirror.
1. I thought of quitting today, but then decided not to, so I came in late. 2. My hair caught on fire from my blow dryer. 3. I was detained [Read More]
In a move to jumpstart the nation’s economy and stock market, the Bank of Japan will charge retail banks for their deposits with the central bank. In essence, the Japanese [Read More]
A great stirring on social media was caused in the old hometown when it was revealed in the local paper’s court report that a 16-year-old took a second helping of [Read More]
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Swiss government proposes paying everyone £1,700 a month whether they work or not in a bid to end poverty… but insists most people will still want to get a job [Read More]
Did you know these three, Ramzi Yousef (the first WTC bomber), Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), and Timothy McVeigh (the Oklahoma City bomber) were buddies in jail? Did you know that [Read More]
Hillary and Huma sitting in tree… in Leavenworth. Official: Some Clinton emails ‘too damaging’ to release Fox- EXCLUSIVE: The intelligence community has deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging” to [Read More]
Brandy Walker, who describes herself as a “34-year-old white woman,” argued in the Huffington Post yesterday that getting black out drunk and being arrested is an example of white privilege. [Read More]
CNS: NEW YORK (AP) — At 57, Barbie is getting a major makeover. The iconic plastic doll, whose small waist and long legs have been criticized for creating unrealistic expectations [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.