Hottest Palestinian Jams Are Tunes That Martyr Muslims That Kill Jews Trigger warning – VIOLENCE ^ I thought Muslim orthodoxy didn’t care too much for music.
Glenn Beck “Donald Trump is a guy who can economically fix our country”
Glenn Beck’s own words; “Donald Trump, here’s a guy who I really respect. Here’s a guy who gets things done in New York. You want to have somebody fix our [Read More]
Susan Sarandon At SAG Awards
Does she not know that SAG stand for Screen Actor’s Guild? The classy 69 year-old was apparently in a competition to see who could display the biggest sag. She won. [Read More]
Cruz Ad: No More Deals
Trump: If You Don’t Support Universal Health Care, You “Have no Heart”
Donald Trump went after Ted Cruz in an interview today, calling him “a total liar” for saying that Mr. Trump supports universal health care similar to ObamaCare. “Look, Ted Cruz [Read More]
Final Des Moines Register GOP Primary Poll Has a Hyuge Shift
Donald Trump has been in second place for the last 2 months according to the Des Moines Register polls, the paper with most accurate reflection of how Iowans would vote. In the [Read More]
McDonald’s, Pizza Hut And KFC Refuse Muslim Demands
WAW: via USHerald: “Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce special orders don’t upset us,” unless of course if you happen to be Hong Kong’s chief imam, Mufti Muhammad Arshad
Snap out of it!
PatriotRetort: Earth to young people: SNAP OUT OF IT! Every time I think of a Bernie Sanders presidency, I feel a part of my soul die. The thought of having [Read More]
Someone is using all the lube
Fox The USS Fort Worth, a Navy littoral combat ship, has suffered extensive gear damage while docked at a port in Singapore. The Navy is blaming the incident on a [Read More]
Kent State Professor Praises al Qaeda, Says he will “Bury” Washington, DC
History Professor Julio Pino of Kent State has publicly praised al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and has said that he will “bury” Washington, DC. Julio Cesar Pino is Associate Professor [Read More]
The Unfavorables
RS: Donald Trump may be the Republican front runner. But according to Frank Newport, Gallup’s Editor-in-Chief, the Donald is the most unpopular candidate of either party.