IOTW Report – Page 6975

“He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!”

Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 8:00 MJA 22

DC Whispers: Obama Just Said The Most Stunningly Idiotic Thing EVER. Now it appears some among the Climate Summit’s host-nation French media were just as outraged by Barack Obama’s glaringly ignorant [Read More]

Japan Goes Back After Whales

Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 2:15 Dr. Tar 7

The Japanese are coming off a one year hiatus, after losing an International Court of Justice ruling in 2014, by launching a fleet of one processing and three hunting vessels for [Read More]

Wait For the #BLM Blowback

Wednesday, 2 December 2015, 1:30 BFH 11

Outdoor John alerted us to a noteworthy comment. He was right- TheMule December 1, 2015 at 6:45 pm These #BLM morons are so mindnumbingly stupid that they don’t realize that [Read More]

Magic Bullet

Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 23:45 Dr. Tar 11

On his first hunt, ten-year-old Kyler Verbeten took two deer with one bullet. More

Islamic State Memo:

Tuesday, 1 December 2015, 23:00 MJA 8

The following songs have been approved by Islamic State. WARNING: Please keep in mind that you are not allowed to enjoy listening to these songs.

1 6,973 6,974 6,975 6,976 6,977 7,508