Trump Delivers Short Jab to Obama’s Bread Basket
ht/ illustr8r We need a great leader- now! A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Nov 30, 2015 at 10:22am PST
ht/ illustr8r We need a great leader- now! A video posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Nov 30, 2015 at 10:22am PST
JudicialWatch: Borrowing a play from the Obama administration’s extensive race-card repertoire, illegal immigrants claim in a federal lawsuit that a ballot measure denying them driver’s licenses is discriminatory because it’s based [Read More]
And then the old gal wished she could turn back time…
Was he being called to testify?
TRS: This just in from Ted Cruz’s campaign where they are demanding that radio stations in Iowa pull false attack ads saying Cruz supports oil subsidies and wants to end [Read More]
VIDEO: Chicago Police Officer states #RahmEmmanuel was involved in the cover-up of #LaquanMcDonald . — Yesenia Betty Boop (@YesiOnAir) December 1, 2015 More at Twitchy
Turkey Fires Back- How About Mexico?
Unfortunately the picture does not clear up one friggin’ thing for me. And if you think the above picture is hideous, GO HERE. HT/ Magnum
DC Whispers: Obama Just Said The Most Stunningly Idiotic Thing EVER. Now it appears some among the Climate Summit’s host-nation French media were just as outraged by Barack Obama’s glaringly ignorant [Read More]
‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed Homesick in Qatar, Wants to Come Back to Texas
HT/ Magnum
Breitbart: In February, President Obama took out a selfie stick, winked at himself, and stated, “YOLO, man.” In June, Obama said it was time for him to fulfill his “something [Read More]
Flopping Aces picked up the DC Whispers story. The French weren’t impressed with Obama’s speech in Paris. ht/ FDR in Hell
The Japanese are coming off a one year hiatus, after losing an International Court of Justice ruling in 2014, by launching a fleet of one processing and three hunting vessels for [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.