A NYT’s Toady Asks – ‘Would Jesus Wear a Sidearm?’
The NYTs finds an evangelical reverend to carry its holy water. Dumb question here —-> (with painful video of the reverend trying to be intellectual.) The implication is that Christians are [Read More]
Dem Being a Dem
This is Josh Zepnick (WI-D). He’s a member of the Wisconsin state assembly and is currently running for a Milwaukee city Alderman post. His sister was killed by a drunk [Read More]
Dems Still Working the Dead Vote
Marc Elias is the general counsel for Hillary’s presidential campaign and specializes in voting rights campaigns for Democrats. A lawsuit on behalf of Ohio Organizing Collaborative, challenging that state’s voter I.D. [Read More]
Hillary gets the De Blasio stamp of approval
In a sane world, an endorsement from Bill De Blasio would be as welcome as a pile of feces on a subway platform… Get the story @Patriot Retort
Don’t Put Highly Enriched Uranium in Your Pocket
(CNSNews.com) – Following an investigation by its inspector general, the Department of Energy has issued a new rule advising its workers to refrain from putting highly enriched uranium in their [Read More]
If You Think This is Caused By a “Lack of Funding for Education” You May Be a Libtard
HT/ Petrus The only thing that could make this video less disturbing is for me to say that this was
Paul Ryan: We Can’t Trust Obama on Immigration
That’s funny. I say the same thing about Paul Ryan.
Is Bernie Sanders On Board With This?
See these dopes? This is David Deen and Mary Sullivan, representatives in Vermont. They are people who can simply decree that people in Vermont will pay nearly a dollar more for [Read More]
The $20 Trillion Man
Obama wants to be remembered for universal healthcare, ending wars and healing race relations. His lasting legacy will be the doubling of the national debt when he signs the 2 [Read More]
NASA study: Antarctic ice increasing faster than global warming can melt it
MM: Can we credit last winter’s expedition that set out to prove how global warming has melted Antarctic ice but ended up nearly becoming nature’s most ironic cryogenic experiment with [Read More]
Up and Comer
Michele Fiore was previously made famous for her MSNBC takedown of Chris Hayes out at the Bundy Ranch: https://youtu.be/9cg2hjFYzOM?t=2m25s Nevada state Assemblywoman Michele Fiore offers her 2016 “Walk the Talk [Read More]
Is This Common Knowledge?
Has anyone heard of otters, and their love for juggling stones? Sounds weird, right? I thought this video was fake, Then I searched “Otters juggling stones.” They’re ALL DOING IT!!! [Read More]
Chipotle closes dozens of stores after E. coli outbreak
NYP- SEATTLE — An investigation was underway Saturday in an E. coli outbreak linked to Chipotle restaurants in Washington state and Oregon, health officials said.
NYPD undercover foils jihad bomb plot
Pamela Geller: This story quotes a Muslim professor saying that “for an undercover to be seeded in a community for that long without a specific target raises some deeply troubling [Read More]