IOTW Report – Page 7006

Why Liberals Identify with Criminals

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 23:00 MJA 14

AT: Liberals hate cops, honest citizens with guns, and hard sentencing laws because liberals identify with criminals. When visiting a Federal prison Obama summarized the view of liberals when he [Read More]

Welfare Mom Has 52 Kids/Grand-kids

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 22:00 MJA 9

A victim of Leftist Deceptions, Promises and Betrayals AmericanThinker: […]Bedtime for my four younger siblings and me was 9pm. Much later one night, there was a knock at our front [Read More]

Trio de Janeiro

Sunday, 1 November 2015, 19:30 BFH 25

The blushing brides… no grooms. You get the picture. These three Brazilians are marrying each other, and they’ve already decided who’s going to get the turkey baster so “they” can have kids, [Read More]

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