“I eat nails when I wake up, then I have breakfast.”
Fingernails? Jeb Bush. He eats nails, y’all. And maybe a little Elmer’s glue. Story Here
Fingernails? Jeb Bush. He eats nails, y’all. And maybe a little Elmer’s glue. Story Here
WaExaminer: Christie also received high marks for his debate performance, and like Cruz and Rubio, took his own shots at the moderators during the Boulder, Colo., faceoff. Christie has kept [Read More]
McClatchy- …if a lower-level government employee “cooked up their own home server” and received emails containing classified information, “they would have already been arrested.” I DON’T THINK THERE’S ANY CHANCE [Read More]
HT/ chabanais
This November, they call it Daylight Saving but the thing that needs saving…is us! h/t Christine
10. You get winded from knocking on the door. 9. You have to have another kid chew the candy for you. 8. You ask for high fiber candy only. 7. [Read More]
ht/ ML
An old white man running against an old white woman, who has one identity card he doesn’t.
Nope. No Idea Why. Story Here h/t LlamaDisco
HT/ Bitterclinger
“You might want to put some ice on that.”
Was this construction ad contrived sexual innuendo (see shadow), or was it just an accident? SEE HERE
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